Ticci Toby X Reader

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Just F.Y.I.:
The drawing above is something I did draw myself. Sorry, if it's like really bad... I just thought I'd start drawing for the rest of my chapters in this book. If you guys like it, I might do additional art if you request it ;). If not, that's okay.

Anyways... Enjoy the rest of the chapter!
     You were always one of those "nature" type people. You loved to walk in the woods and look at all the trees. You loved the way the cool breeze would hit your face as you sat and watched birds fly up in the sky.

     You studied the flowers that sprouted up from the dirt. How could something so beautiful grow from something so filthy? You would ask yourself questions like that, and in a way, the flower inspired you.

     You stood there, staring at the flower for a couple more minutes. You suddenly heard a branch snap behind you. You turned around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing.

     You turned to look back at the flower when you then saw a pair of feet instead of the flower. You look up to see legs connected to them. Then, thighs, a torso, a neck and then a... mask and goggles? They also had a hood on, brown hair poking out from the top.

      You continued to stare into the eyes hiding behind the goggles. You couldn't identify what color they were. Maybe blue? Brown? Green possibly? Curiosity struck you. You didn't even care why the person was there, you wanted to know their eye color.

     "Take off your goggles," you demanded. The person continued to be silent. You quickly noticed that they twitched every so often. You liked it. You didn't think it was something "out of the ordinary" or anything like that. You continued to watch them, more interested than before.

     "W-Why?" They stuttered, their voice muffled behind their face mask. You could hear that the person was obviously a male. He didn't sound too much older than you.

     You continued to stare at him, curious and more interested than ever. You wanted to know what he looked like. You smiled at him.

     "Because I want to know what you look like," you responded to his question. He shook his head.

     "Y-You just w-w-want to s-see what I l-look like? N-Not to ask w-why I'm h-here?" He questioned in a tone of disbelief. You gave him a slight nod with a smile. He then added, "N-No. You'll j-just m-make fun of m-m-me."

      You shook your head at him as you then laid your hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned his attention to your hand and then back to you.

      "Why would I make fun of you?" You asked with a little of concern. Poor guy probably took a lot of bullying from kids.

     "B-Because I'm n-not norm-m-mal," he replied. You took your hand off of him and then cocked an eyebrow.

     "Newsflash, no one is normal. What is normal? Am I normal? No. Of course not. There's no such thing as normal. I bet you look beautiful underneath all of that," you said. He stood there, silence quickly filling up the atmosphere.

     "F-Fine!" He suddenly yelled as he then began to put his hood down, revealing all of his fluffy, short, dark brown hair. He then took off his goggles, showing that he had beautiful brown eyes. You smiled because you finally knew his eye color.

      "You know, you have beautiful brown eyes," you stated as you continued to gaze at his eyes. He didn't say anything as he then took his face mask off. You looked and saw on one side of his mouth, only his teeth were showing, no skin to cover it up. You were a little surprised, but you then quickly smiled at him.

      "W-Why are y-you smiling s-s-so much?" He asks. Your smile became even bigger.

     "Because... You're really handsome," you replied. He cocked one eyebrow.

     "Y-You think I-I'm h-handsome?" He asked, almost sounding like that was impossible. You responded with a nod.

     "Yes, very handsome," you replied in a sweet tone, "whats your name by the way?"

     "Toby," he quickly said. You giggled.

     "Nice to meet you, Toby! My name is (Y/N)!" You cheerfully exclaimed. You looked over at him, he began to look sad. You could see him frowning.

      "Why do you look so sad? Did I say something wrong?" you asked, totally confused. He looked down at the ground, still twitching like he did.

     "D-Did you e-ever wonder w-w-why I c-came here t-to you?" He asked, still stuttering when he spoke. You shook your head.

      "No. I didn't, but since we are talking about it, why are you here?" You asked as you looked at him. He began to get sad again.

     "My b-boss wanted m-m-me to k-kill you, b-but-" he paused. You tried to take this all in. Someone wanted you dead? You shook your head at him.

     "But?" You asked, a little scared of what he has to say.

     "B-But you're s-so k-k-kind," he stated, still stuttering. You smiled at him.

     "Thank you, but who would want to kill me?" You asked in a calm tone, trying to understand. He sighs.

     "W-Well, he j-just told m-me to 'g-get rid of you b-b-because you a-are in his w-woods'. I d-don't think he a-actually told m-me to k-kill you," Toby stated. You sighed in relief. As long as his boss didn't want you dead, you were fine.

     "That's good, because I didn't want to die," you chuckled, trying to make it seem like a big laughable joke. He began chuckling a little too. He then stopped laughing and smiled at you.

     "Well, I-I didn't w-want you to d-die because y-you are so b-beautiful. I l-love your (h/c) h-hair and (e/c) e-eyes. Y-You are so k-k-kind to m-me. You m-m-make me feel l-like I can b-be m-myself around y-you," he stated as he then ran his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You blushed, feeling so flattered.

      You only met this guy about ten minutes ago and learned that he first wanted to kill you, but then it turns out he really didn't. Then he says that you're beautiful and he feels comfortable around you. What's that feeling in your stomach? Butterflies? Do you like him? Maybe? Maybe not? Most likely.

     "You are so sweet. I know I just met you under rather... weird circumstances, but I think I would like to start a relationship with you. A friend relationship if you would like? Or maybe something more?" You questioned. He smiled.

     "I-I would l-love to hang o-out w-with you. M-M-Maybe w-we could then s-start a b-boyfriend and girlfriend r-r-relationship," he replies. You smile and then hug him.

     "I would love that! We are going to have some much fun together! You and me!" You exclaim as you hug him tighter. You then feel his arms wrap around your body, holding you.

     "Y-Yes, you and m-m-me!" Toby exclaimed, hugging you tighter.


**Bonus Scene**

*Slenderman's P.O.V.*

     I watched as my proxy hugged that other human. They seemed to like each other a lot... Good. I'm glad I set them up. Toby was so sad for the longest time, but now maybe he will be happy.


Yay! That's the end! I hope you enjoyed it! I hope it isn't crappy or anything like that!

If you would like a part two, please message me or leave a comment!

Oh! Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, if you have ANY requests, please leave a comment or message me!!

Okay, once again I hope you liked it! I love you all!!!

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