Yandere!Jason the Toy Maker X Tied up!Reader

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     You slowly open your eyes with your head pounding. You automatically try to place your hands on your head, but can't. You look and see that you are tied up to a bed. You began to panic as you tried to break free.

     You then quickly saw that there was no point. You weren't strong enough to break the rope because it's too thick. You steady your breathing as you try to remember anything that led to this. You tried and tried, but...nothing.

     "Ah, I see that you're awake, my dear," a voice says as you heard a door open and then shut. A man then came into view.

     He had long, red hair. His face painted white with black lines below his eyes and on his neck. His eyes were green, shinning like emeralds.

     "Wh-Who are y-you?" You ask him, stuttering. He chuckles a little before he then sits at the foot of the bed. Your breath becomes shallow as he comes even closer to you.

     "Shhh, dear. I'm not going to hurt you," he says in a calming voice. He then places his hand on your cheeck. You look up at him, terrified. You felt so horrified that your body began to ache. Your throat began to slowly close up.

      "How d-do I kn-n-now th-that you're n-not going to h-hurt me?" You ask, struggling to get the entire question all out. He chuckled, his mouth revealing a row of sharp, pointy teeth. This put even more fear into you.

     "I'm not going to hurt you, you have my word," he says. You look up at him, still frightened and scared. He notices this and rises both his eyebrows. He then asked, "are you scared of me?"

     "Y-Yes," you stuttered, scared of what he might say next. You looked up at him, tears staring to form in your eyes. You were so scared, you wanted to leave. You wanted to go back home in your own bed. You wanted to be far away from this man. No, not a man, a monster. Some sort of creature that is going to rip you to pieces.

     Suddenly he got close to your face, your tears began to slowly pour our as your breathing became shallow. Your vision became blurry from all the tears. He wiped your tears off and then kissed you on your cheek. Your eyes widened as you starred at him. Did he really just do that?

     "Wh-wh-why did you..." You trailed off, so confused. You thought he was going bite you or do something worse, but a kiss? He smiled at you.

     "I did it because I love you," he says. You furrow your eyebrows. He loves you? What the hell?

     "I- You- You love me- Me, you love- But- I don't know how- Why? Why do you love me?" You asked after all your bits and pieces. He chuckled as he then sat closer to you.

     "You are just so adorable," he says, "I love you because you are just so...you. I love everything about you. The way you look, the way you talk, everything. As soon as I first laid eyes on you, I knew that I had to have you. I had to keep you, protect you. I needed to have you in my life. I'd be nothing without you. I never want to let you go. Never."

     You lie there, taking it all in. So, he kidnapped you just so you could be a part of his life? That's so absurd! He had to know that you had your own life, your own dreams and crushes. He had to have known that you liked someone else. What about your family? Will you ever get to see them again? What about your friends? Will he allow you to see them, talk to them?

     You didn't want to spend your entire life with him, always waking up and seeing him everyday. You didn't want to spend the rest of your life here with him. You want to be able to go on dates and all that with other people. What if he never lets you go? You'll spend your last days here in this room, possibly tied up, with him.

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