Laughing Jack X Reader (Lemon): Part Three

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I know some of you wanted to have a part three to the "Laughing Jack X Reader (Lemon)"... So, I decided to write it. I apologize for the long wait for this to happen, but here it is! I hope you like it!


     "What are you going to do? You're like half my size! Haha!" Laughing Jack teased. You frowned as you just looked at him.

     "I'm not that short!" You yelled. He chuckled a bit.

     "Yes, you are," he says as he then pins you down harder onto the wall. You try to move, but find it hard.

     "Please, let me go," you beg, looking into his white eyes. He smiles.

     "No, not until you promise to do it!" He exclaims. You look down and then sigh.

     "Fine, I'll do it. Just let me go, you're hurting me," you softly say. He chuckles a bit as he slowly lets you go. You stand up straight as you then look at him.

     "Do it," Laughing Jack demands in a deeper voice. He hands you a collar as you put it on. It was black with a bell on it. You sigh as you then get on your hands and knees.

     "Look, I'm doing it. Are you happy?" You ask him. He shakes his head. He then hands you headband with some white, fluffy cat ears on it. You put it on.

     "Now meow like a cat," he says, "oh, and rub against me like a cat would." You sigh as you then rub up against his tall legs.

     "Meow. Meow," you meow loudly. He chuckles as he then sits down in the floor.

     "Now, come lay down on my lap and meow some more," he says before he then chuckles some more. You sigh again as you crawl over to his lap. You curl up against his chest.

     "Meow. Meow," you continue to say. He smirks as he then begins petting you with his clawed hand.

     "That's a good little pussycat," he says as he pets you some more. You frown, feeling completely humiliated.

     "Are you done?" You ask. He shushes you.

     "Since when can cats talk?" he asks. He smiles as he then adds, "well, this is what you have to do since you lost the bet. You shouldn't have bet that you could eat more candy than me and not get sick. That is my speciality." You sigh as you then continue to rub against his chest.

     "Yeah," you say under your breath. He shushes you again as he then pets you some more. You become a little angry that you feel so humiliated, but you did lose the bet.

     "Who's a good little pussycat? You are," he says. He then laughs a little. You frown as you continue to meow. He smiles even more as he then pets you some more, bringing his hand all the way down to your butt and then starting back at your head.

     "Meow. Meow. Meow," you meow some more. He begins to laugh harder and harder.

     "You're such a good little pussycat," he says before he then laughs some more. You frown.

     'I wonder if he'll like this?' You think to yourself as you then get on your knees and get close to his face. He watches you as you slowly lick his cheek. He frowns.

     "What are you doing, little pussycat? I didn't give you permission to lick me," he says, "if you want to lick me, I have a few places that could use that little tongue of yours." Your eyes shot open.

     "Um..." You trail off. He smirks as he then gets on top of you, pinning your arms above your head. He then gets close to face.

      "You know, pussycat, you're not the only one that can lick," he says as he then begins to lick your neck. You moan a little. He then begins to kiss your neck, avoiding the collar.

     You tilt your head back as he kisses you even more. He then takes your shirt and pants off, leaving you in your undergarments. He sits up, looking at your body.

     "God, I'm gonna fuck you so hard," he says as he then strips you naked. He then begins stripping as well, until he was completely naked.

     He places his hands on your body, feeling you. He then slowly pushes himself inside of you. You softly began moaning as he then thrust himself in and out of you. You grabbed onto his back, digging your nails into him.

     He then begins to thrust inside you harder and harder. You grab onto him harder as you moan. You tilt your head back, enjoying every thrust he made.

     "Mhmmm. H-Harder," you moan. He smirks as he then thrusts into you even harder. Your body feels heated, pleasure flowing through you. Your mouth opens wide as you moan some more.

     "Mhm. (Y/N)," Laughing Jack grunts, still pounding into you.

     "Laughing Jack!" You moan. He begins to pick up his speed, causing you to feel more pleasure. You moan even more as he speeds up more and more. You tilted your head back even more as he began to kiss it.

     You could feel him slowing down. He was close and you knew it. He slammed into one last time, filling you up with his warm seeds. You both were short of breath. He slowly pulled out of you, laying down beside you in the floor.

     "How was that, little pussycat?" He asks. You both then chuckle a little. You look over at him and smile.

     "It was purrrfect. Now, I'm going to take a little cat nap," you say as you then lay your head on his chest. He stands up and then picks you up. He carries you to your bedroom. He lays you down, lying beside you.

     He then covers you up with the blanket. He removes your headband and the collar, allowing you to sleep comfortably. You close your eyes and then slowly drift off to sleep.

      "Take your cat nap, (Y/N). You still have a whole day you have to be a cat, but for now you can just be (Y/N)," he says as he then kisses you on your forehead.

*Short Time Skip~*

     You wake up, the sunlight hitting your eyes. You sit up and see that Laughing Jack put some clothes on you. You get out of the bed and examine them. They were a cat adult onesie. It was white with a tail in the back. You sigh.

     "Oh? Did you think I was going to forget about the bet? You still have the rest of the day," Laughing Jack says as he enters your bedroom.

     "Ugh!" You shout as you then pass him and head toward your living room.

     "Hey, you're forgetting something," he says. You turn around as he then throws your collar and headband with the white ears at you. You put them on and then go to the living room. You sit on the couch, angry.

     "I hate you!" You yell from where you are.

     "You only have yourself to blame for this! You made the bet!" you hear him yell back at you. You cross your arms and then angrily watch TV.

     "'You only have yourself to blame for this'," you say under your breath, mimicking him.

     "I heard that!" He yells. You frown even more. All of this because of a stupid bet? You'll never make a bet with him again.


That's the end! I hope you liked it! I do apologize if it was too short...

Anyways, if you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know! I'd love to hear any requests from you all!

Okay! I'll see y'all later! Love you!

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