Tsundere!Homicidal Liu X Shy!Reader

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Here is another chapter...I thought I'd try this. It was suggested, so I thought I'd do it.

And yes, the drawing above is another one of mine.  Sorry if it's terrible... I did it less than a couple of hours...

Also, this is really long compared to my other chapters, so I hope you really enjoy it!!!


     You always tried your best in school, but you found it hard to keep up your grades. Your principal, Mr. Haycraft, took notice to this. While you were sitting in math, trying to take in all the information the teacher was throwing at you, Mr. Haycraft called you to his office.

     You walked down the hallway, anxious about what he was going to tell you. Did you do something bad? You tried extra good not to do anything bad this school year. You took a big breath before you entered Mr. Haycraft's office. You slowly opened his door as you then entered his office, shutting the door behind you.

     "Y-You wanted t-to see me?" You shyly ask, stuttering as you felt your heart beat so hard in your chest. You felt as though your heart was going to come right out of your chest. You stood there, looking at the principal's face, watching for any expression at all. He just looked at you, completely emotionless.

     "Yes, (Y/N), have a seat," he said, waiting for you to sit before he then continued to speak. You walked over to the chair and sat down. As you did so, you saw another student sitting in the chair to your right. He slouched in the chair, looking as if he hated to be there. He had brown hair and green eyes that popped out at you. They reminded you of emeralds, shining in a deep, dark cave.

     You also noticed that he had marks on his face. How dis he get them? Was he in a fight or something like that? Is he a trouble-maker? You continued to stare at him, asking yourself so many questions.

     Suddenly, he looked at you with those shiny, green eyes. You jumped a little, not looking away from him. He squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows at you. He then mumbled something to himself before he then shook his head.

     "Ahem," Mr. Haycraft cleared his throat, getting your attention. You quickly looked at him, giving him an apologetic face. He then continued with saying, "Ms. (L/N), the reason why I brought yippy here is to talk to you about your grades. I can see that you are trying really hard, but what I think you need is a little help. A tutor. My friend here, Lui, is here to be your tutor. He has perfect grades in all the classes you need help with. I would like for you two to meet each other after school to start your tutor sessions."

     You looked over at the boy as he rolled his eyes and then nodded. You had to get tutored by him? He doesn't even seem to like you. What does he get out of this? Maybe this might help him in his records, but what else? He then stood up, standing in front of you.

     "Meet me in the cafeteria as soon as school ends. Don't be late," he said in a very demanding and rude tone. He then excited the room. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out.

     "Don't let him get to you, he's like that to everyone. He had some... stuff that happened to him a while back. He's just not been the same." Mr. Haycraft stated. You just nodded, still no words coming out of your mouth.

     "Th-Thank you, s-sir," you stutter as you then get up out of the chair and then exit his office. You then calmly walk to class, still thinking about Liu. He was really mean. Is he going to be like that while he's tutoring you?

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