Smexy x Reader

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This is a Smexy x Reader that DOES NOT contain lemon in it. I have promised to make a Smexy x Reader chapter without lemon in it for those who were not comfortable with such topics.

So, here you go and I hope you enjoy it!


     You were walking from your friend's house late at night to go to your house. The cool, mist air surrounded you. This night seemed to be the coldest night you have ever experienced.

     You walked down the street you would usually take. You noticed that something was a little off. It wasn't a big deal, but the feeling was there.

     You stopped and looked around. Not a single living soul was around. It looked as if it were deserted. You kept looking, trying to find anyone else that happened to be around. You tried, but found no one.

     "Okay... This is a little creepy..." You trailed off as you then tucked your (H/C) hair into the hood of your coat. You took a deep breath and then continued to walk as normal.

     You were now only a block away from your house before you then started to hear a faint sound. You stopped walking and stood there, listening to the sound. As you listened, you quickly noticed that it was someone playing a tune on the violin.

     Out of curiosity, you walked closer to where the beautiful music was coming from. You walked around a corner and then saw someone. You walked closer to try to see the face of this person.

     The person wore a trench coat, a pair of black combat boots, and a fedora that hid their face. They stood under a streetlight, the shade from the fedora made it hard to see their face. You saw the small wooden violin in thier hands. They continued to play the music as you slowly approached them.

     You stood there in front of them and continued to listen. You listened carefully and quickly noticed that they were playing your favorite song.

     "That song is my favorite," you stated, "you're really good." You just continued to watch as their fingers moved from string to string. They suddenly put down the violin and then looked at you, the fedora still covering their face.

     "Thank you," the stranger says. Their voice was deep, and very masculine.

     "You're welcome," you respond with a smile spread across your face. You then turn around and began walking again. As you do so, you are stopped by a hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at the guy.

     "You know, you're very beautiful and you look like a very interesting person. I think I'd like to get to know you more. How about we get some coffee tomorrow morning and chat?" He asks. You furrow your eyebrows at him. Did this stranger just ask you out for coffee? You thought about it. 'Well, it means I get free coffee in the morning... and for some reason I find this man very interesting. So, no harm in just having some coffee with a random stranger,' you think to yourself.

     "Sure, I'll meet you there," you replied as you continued to look at the shaded face of the mysterious person.

     "Perfect..." he trails off as he then walks away. You watch this man walk until you could no longer see him anymore. You sigh and then continue walking toward your house.

*Early in the morning*

     You wake up, the sunlight from your window blinding you. You sigh and then sit up in the bed. You hop to your feet and then let out a yawn.

CreepyPastas X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now