Jeff the Killer X Reader

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/N) = Friend's Name

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color 


     "Well, thanks for coming over, (Y/N)!" (F/N) exclaimed as you walked through their front door. They held the door open and then watched you exit. You stopped and then turned around to look at them.
     "C-Can you, uh, c-come walk me h-home?" You asked, stuttering. (F/N) starred at you, with a small concerned look upon their face.
     "Are you still paranoid about someone coming after you?" (F/N) asked with an eyebrow cocked. Your eyes looked down toward the ground as you then nodded, slowly. They sighed and then went inside, quickly grabbing their coat and house keys. They stepped outside with you, shutting and locking the door behind them. They sighed and demanded, "Come on, then." You nodded and then walked by their side.
     "Thank you, (F/N). It's just that..." you trailed off, thinking back to all the times you have felt stalked. All the times that you've walked by yourself and heard footsteps behind you. All the times you would turn around, only to find no one there.
     "That you feel like someone is stalking you. I know," your friend stated, finishing your sentence. You looked your friend in the eyes and quickly shook your head.
     "No, I don't just feel it, (F/N), I know that someone is stalking me," you disagreed.
     "Okay, okay. Let's just get you home safe and sound, okay?" They questioned, smiling at you. You nodded and kept close to your friend.
     "S-Sounds g-good," you admitted, stuttering. Your friend rolled their eyes at you and then giggled a little.

     When your friend finally brought you home, they waved goodbye and then started their way back. You waved and smiled as they began walking away.
      "Thank you so much!" You called out to your friend.
      "No problem, (Y/N)!" They yelled as their voice became more distant. You sighed and then turned toward your house. You looked closely at your window as you saw your blinds move. You jumped back and almost started hollering for your friend. 'No, (Y/N)! You're just seeing things, okay? Just calm down and stop being paranoid!' You thought to yourself as you then tucked your (H/C) hair behind your ear.
     You slowly walked to your front door. You pulled out your house keys and then unlocked the door. You took a deep breathe and then opened the door. You turned on the lights and saw nothing out of the ordinary.
      "See, (Y/N), no one is in here," you told yourself as you then shut your front door and set your keys down on a table. You took off your jacket and put it on the coat rack. You then took your shoes off and placed them next to your door. You sighed and then laughed a little at yourself as you then headed to your bedroom.
      You walked in to your room and grabbed some nightwear. You picked out a black pair of shorts and a (F/C) tanktop. You then walked over to your bathroom and turned the water on. You stripped down and then checked if the water was to your liking. Then you turned the shower head on and stepped in to the shower.

**???'s P.O.V.**

     Damn it! She saw me through the window. I've got to be more careful. She hasn't noticed me stalking her this past few months, so let's not start now. Then again, it doesn't matter because tonight she'll be dead. Just like the rest of my victums. Hehe.
     I quickly moved from the living room and toward her beroom. I then hid in her closet, waiting for the right time to strike. She walked in as I watched her pick out her clothes, so unaware that I could pounce at any second. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes make me sick. I continued to watch as she walked toward her bathroom and shut the door. Time to strike.
      I walk out of the closet and slowly walk toward the bathroom door. I listen and heard her stepping in to the shower. I smiled and then reached for the door handle. Not locked. I slowly twist the door knob as I feel someone put their hand over my mouth. I turned as saw a white man with a freakish smile carved in to his face. I began to scream, but was muffled from his hand on my mouth. He starred at me, creepily, almost sadistic in a way.
     "Go to sleep," he whispered as he stabbed me in the stomach. Blood began to poor out of my mouth. He laid me down and then jumped on top of me, stabbing me about twenty or more times. I began to slowly black out. 'So...this is how it ends, huh?' I thought to myself as I felt my eyes roll back to the back of my head and my soul release from my body.

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