Smexy x Reader (Lemon)

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This is a Valentines Day Special...

**Just a warning! This is a Lemon! I repeat, this is a Lemon! If you are not comfortable with dirty topics and/or sex in general, please skip this chapter! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!**

(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(H/C) = Hair Color


     You've always been alone on Valentines Day. Your friends always had someone to go to and spend this wonderful day with. You, on the other hand, had no one. Not even a single admirer. No one has ever wrote you a love letter, or get you flowers, or even get you a box of chocolates. You always hoped that someone would give that to you. You hoped that you could experience Valentines Day like everyone else.

     You awoke to your alarm going off. You sat up and then turned off the noisy box. Then, you laid back down and wrapped your covers around you.
     "I'm not getting up for this horrible day," you mumbled under your breathe, trying to go back to sleep.
Ring! Ring!

     Your phone rang, vibrating on the table. You sighed and then reached for it. You then answered it and put it up to your ear.
     "Hello?" You answered.
     "Hey, bestie in the whole wide world! What are you doing today?" Your friend asked, pure excitement was found in her voice. You frowned. 'I'm just going to lie in bed all day' you thought to yourself.
     "Oh, I'm not going to do much," you chose to reply. Your friend sighed.
     "(Y/N), I know you are probably going to lie in bed all day," your friend said. 'Can they read my mind or something?' You asked yourself as you sat up in your bed.
     "N-No. I wasn't going to lie in bed all day," you stated. You would have to get up and use the bathroom at some point. Your friend sighed.
     "Come on, (Y/N), get out and try to find someone. This is the perfect day to get with someone," they said.
     "You mean an one-night-stand?" You questioned. They gasped and then laughed.
     "Well, if that will at least make you get some action, then go for it," they replied. You giggled a little.
     "Uh, no thank you," you said, laughing.
     "Okay, then. Don't do that, but at least go outside and go to the store or- Oh! Go to that market! You know with all those fruit stands and such," they suggested.
     "That doesn't sound really romantic," you replied, letting out a chuckle or two.
     "No, but the owner's son is single and he is very attractive," they stated. You sighed as you then thought about it for a little bit.
     "Fine, I'll go. I need to get some fruit anyways," you said. Your friend laughed and then hung up. You did the same as you stood up and walked over to your bathroom. You put on some music and then laid your phone down near your sink. You began humming along to the tune of your favorite song as you then began to strip down. You finished taking off the last bit of clothing and then turned on your shower head. You began to sing along to your favorite song as you stepped in to the shower and began washing off.

**Smexy's P.O.V. **

     I peeked in to her room and watched her undress. Wow, her body is so... perfect. Her curves make me want to do her at the very spot, but I promised myself I'd make this day special for her.
     After seeing her so depressed about not having someone on Valentines Day, I will do anything to make her feel special. I will keep my promise and make this day her favorite. She will not forget this day. Our bodies will become one. Oh, I'm getting way too excited and ahead of myself. I better go ahead and get everything else prepared.

**End of Smexy's P.O.V. **

     You get out of the shower and grab your towel, drying yourself off as best as you could. Then, you wrapped the towel around you and walked toward your room. You picked out a short black dress with red roses printed on it and some red high heels. You put it on and then examined yourself. You smiled at how beautiful the dress was on you.
     "Now, all I need to do is fix my hair and then apply makeup," you stated as you then walked back to the bathroom and began to fix up your hair. You then applied your makeup and then examined yourself further.
     "Yep, now let's get this show on the road," you said as you then quickly sprayed perfume on you and then walked down to your living room. You grabbed your keys and then walked out the front door, locking the door behind you. The market was only a block or two away, so you could walk there with ease. You found yourself frowning a little. The sun was out and everything was perfect, but you knew deep down inside that everything was going to take a turn for the worse.

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