Puppeteer X Reader: Part Two

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     You finally got rid of everything that reminded you of your last relationship. Now you were sitting on the edge of your bed, staring off into nothing.

     "Hey," you heard a familiar voice. You turned around and then saw him. The glowstick guy.

     "Ever heard of knocking?" You ask. He chuckles.

     "Oh, come on. You love it when I pop up unexpectedly," he chuckled. You shake your head and sigh. You two then begin laughing together. You quickly then stop laughing and look at him.

     "I realized that we've been seeing eachother for a while and I still don't know your name," you state as you look into his glowing eyes. He stares at you.

     "You can just call me the Puppeteer," he replies. You shake your head at him.

     "No, I'm just gonna stick with glow stick guy," you reply. He laughs and shakes his head.

     "Well, only if I can call you "short stuff"," he says as he smiles. You frown.

     "No, that's an awful name for me. At least mine was creative. Yours is just stupid," you say bluntly. He laughs as he lays down on your bed.

     "Well, then what would you want me to call you?" He asks. You shrug before you then lay down beside him.

     "I'm not sure. Just nothing stupid," you say as you stare at the ceiling. You hear him chuckle to himself.

     "Fine, what about "babe"?" He asks.

     "No," you respond.

     "Um... what about "sugar"?" He asks.

     "No," you respond with the same answer.





     "Oh! What about "darling"?" He asks. You sit up and look at him.

     "What? No! Those are all dating-type names for couples!" You exclaim as you look into his glowing holes for eyes.

     "I know," he replies. This caused you to be a little flustered. You could feel your cheeks turning red.

     "Oh... I didn't know that you felt that way," you say, still half way sitting up. He rolls over and gets on top of you. You lie there, looking up at him. He then brings his face close to your face.

     "I've felt this way for a while and I've been wondering... Would you like to become an item?" He asks, still on top of you.

     "Yes, yes I would love to become an item with you. I just wish you would have said something sooner," you reply. He smiles as he then slowly brings his lips toward you.

     "That makes me very happy," he whispers as he then plants his lips onto yours. You close your eyes and move your lips with his. You feel his hands pin down yours onto the bed as he kisses you harder.

     He slips his tongue into your mouth, feeling around. You begin swirling your tongue with his as you softly moan. You've heard of people saying that another person lips were sweet, but his were actually sweet. You didn't want to stop kissing him.

     Compared to your last partner, he was so much better. He actually listened to you. He cared about what you had to say. He is also a better kisser. Glowstick guy is perfect.

     He slowly stopped kissing you as he then pulled away. He got off of you. You sat up and couldn't stop yourself from staring at him.

     "Darling," you said.

     "What?" He asks, confused.

     "Darling. You can call me darling," you responded. He smiled.

     "Okay, darling... want to watch some movies and relax on the couch? I'll have to leave soon," he states. You get off of your bed and then look up at him.

     "I'll race you there," you quickly say as you then began to run to your living room. You run to the couch, only to see that he's already lying there.

     "What- How- You... cheater," you say. He chuckles.

     "I didn't cheat. I was just simply faster than you," he responds. You frown as you then sit next to him. You grab the blanket already sitting on the couch and cover the both of you up. You warm yourself up as he grabs the remote.

     "So... What movie should we watch? We have a huge selection of movies on Netflix," he says as he then turns the tv on and selects Netflix. You watch as the app opens up.

     "Hm... I don't know. What about (favorite movie)?" You ask. He nods.

     "Sounds good to me!" He exclaims as he searched up the movie and clicked on it. He then put the remote down as the movie began playing. You moved closer to him, keeping yourself warm under the blanket.

     You felt his hand reach for yours under the blanket. He grabbed it, with your fingers intertwined with his. This feeling was new to you. He made you feel so much better with just the touch of his hand. He was obviously different from you, but you were happy. Both of you were happy with each other.

     You laid your head on his shoulder, keeping your eyes on the TV screen. You then glance up at him, only to find him staring down at you. You both smile. He kisses you on your forehead. You smile even more. You could get used to all of this...


That's the end! I hope you enjoyed this!

I'm sorry that this was too short... If you would like a part three, I will happily make one!

Also, if you have any suggestions... Please let me know! Either message me or comment on this chapter!

Oh! Before I forget! I'm also going to (maybe) add some Yandere and Tsundere to these characters. If you have any Creepypasta characters that you would like to become Yandere or Tsundere, please let me know!

Okay! That's all that I have to say! Bye for now!

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