Michael Conor

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Your Pov:

It's Saturday morning and I was supposed to be shopping right now with Bree and my other friends, but they had decided to bail on me. I was pacing my room when suddenly the thought came to me to call Michael. He's one of my closest friends and I bet if I offered to buy him an ice cream after he'd come. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

After a few rings, I hear a grumbly, "Hello?"

Shoot! I must have woken him up. "Hey, Michael!"

"Y/N?" he begins, his morning voice is utterly sexy and just the sound of it makes my heart flutter.

"Yep," I reply, "It's me. Just wanted to know if you could pretty please come shopping with me?"

"Shopping?" he asks, "What for?"

"Well I really need to buy myself a new set of earphones and I was supposed to go with Bree and them but they bailed on me."

He sighs. "And you want me to come?"

"Pretty pleaseeee?" I ask hopefully. "I'll even buy you an icecream!"

He chuckles from the other end. "Anything for you Y/N."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal. "Come over in half an hour?"

"Sure." he replies, I can practically hear the smile in his voice, "See you soon."


I hang up and collapse on my bed, smiling. I can't believe he actually said yes. This is going to be a great day.

I get dressed and wait for Michael to arrive. I decide to sit on my bed and listen to music until I hear a noise and pause it.


Michael's already here. I run downstairs and let him in. He immediately brings me into a hug.

Michael's Pov:

As soon as I see Y/N, I lean down and hug her. She's so adorably short that she fits perfectly under my jaw. She hugs me tight and then lets go.

"Ready?" she asks.

I nod. "Born ready."

She grabs her handbag and we get in my car. As I'm driving, Y/N turns the radio on and starts singing along to the tracks. I must admit, she's a really impressive singer. It's really lovely to turn and look at her while she's singing, and the light hits her Y/H/C hair perfectly. She's so beautiful and I fear she'll never know it.

*Time Skip*

"Thanks for coming with me Michael" Y/N begins, smiling up at me as we eat ice cream together, sitting in her favorite ice cream store, "It was really nice."

I nod. "Thanks for letting me, I really like spending time with you."

She smiles, then goes back to her ice cream, a look of utter and complete contentment. It's times like this that I fall even more in love with her, but I've decided within myself that this is the time I tell her. Finally.

"Y/N," I begin, looking into her eyes, and taking her hand in mine. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

She looks shocked for a second, but then her mouth blends into a smile. "I think I'm falling in love with you too."

Then I cup her face and pull her close to me. Our faces are almost touching when I lean in and feel her soft, pink lips to mine, and I'm in heaven.

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