Michael Conor

926 21 1

Requested By: kayci567

You slam the front door close and slide down to the floor, kicking off your shoes. Another hard day at work done, you sigh and run your fingers through your hair.

Your boss was a pain in the neck, the customers were nothing but mean today. You stand back up and make your way to the kitchen, all you wanted to do right now was collapse into bed and not wake up until morning.

You down at glass of water, a couple of aspirins and sit down on the couch. You flip on the t.v, mindlessly flipping through channels until you find something a little interesting.

Your eyes close before the opening credits start. This is how Michael found you when he walked through the front door, home from the studio.

“Babe? Babe you home?” he calls out.

He walks into the living room and sees you sitting upright on the couch, your eyes close and slightly snoring. He shakes his head and chuckles before lifting you up in his arms and carrying you to bed. You wake us as he lays you down and you smile up at him.

“Go back to sleep love, we’ll talk when you wake up” he says.

You nod and mumble what he thinks was an okay before closing your eyes again. After a while you finally wake up to an amazing smell.

You rub your eyes and follow your nose downstairs, where you find Michael standing in front of an amazing meal and the room filled with candles.

“Michael?” you ask.

He whirls around at the sound of your voice.

“Kayci, I was just about to wake you” he says.

“”What is all this?” you ask.

“I made dinner, I figured you could use the rest” he says.

“You didn’t have to do that” you say.

“Yes I did, Essence called and told me all about your hard day at work. Cooking dinner was the least I could do” he says.

He leads you to the table where you sit down and enjoy the meal Jack cooked for you.

“Michael, that was amazing” you say.

“Thank you, now how about a hot bath?” he asks.

“No, Michael…I couldn’t. The dishes have to be washed and the leftover food needs to be put away, and…”

“And I’ll take care of it, you just go relax. You’ve had a long day” he says cutting you off.


“No buts Kayci, go” he says.

You sigh but go upstairs anyway, where you find a hot bath waiting for you to sink into.

You quickly undress and sink into the hot water, you feel all the tension melt away as you relax in the water.

You were so relaxed in fact that you soon fell asleep, you only woke up because Michael was quietly knocking on the door.

“Kayci, are you okay in there?” he asks.

“What? Oh yes, I guess I just fell asleep for a bit” you say.

“Oh, okay…I was worried I would have to break the door down or something” he says.

“Nope I’m fine, I’ll be out in a minute” you say.

“Okay” he says.

You step out of the tub and wrap up in a towel, you walk across to your bedroom and slip on some comfortable pjs.

Your comfortable pjs being one of Michael's t-shirts and a pair of pajama shorts. You walk downstairs after dressing and almost laugh out loud when you spot Michael asleep on the couch.

“Michael?” you say gently touching his shoulder.

He jumps, his eyes flying open.

“What? What do you need?” he asks.

“Nothing, you just didn’t look very comfortable” you say.

“Oh, I guess I fell asleep too” he says.

“Yeah, come on lets go to bed” you say.

“But I still haven’t done all the dishes” Michael says.

“Michael” you say.

“What? Do you need something?” he asks stopping on his way to the kitchen.

“Yes, I need you. Now lets go to bed” you say.

He sighs in relief and makes his way over to you, where you take his hand and lead him upstairs to bed. The two of you collapse into bed, with your head on Michael's chest and him playing with your hair.

“Babe?” you ask.


“Thank you for tonight” you say.

“It was no problem, I honestly never realized how much you do when I’m asleep on the couch. I don’t know how you do it all” he says.

“Practice” you say. “Lots and lots of practice.”

“Well maybe with lots of practice I’ll get better at it” he says.

“At what?” you ask.

“Taking care of you, you take such good care of me that no one is taking care of you. So from now on whenever you need a break just let me know. I’ll take care of everything” he says.

“I know you will” you say.

“Yep” he says.

Michael closes his eyes as sleep starts to take him.

“Michael?” you say.


“I love you” you say.

“Love you too” he says before falling fast asleep.

You kiss his cheek, before returning your head to its spot on his chest and close your eyes falling into a deep restful sleep.

I hope you enjoyed your imagine kayci567. Thanks for requesting and voting and I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

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