Sergio Calderon

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Requested By: YvoAni

Yvette where are my shoes!?“ Sergio yelled from the bedroom. You rolled your eyes.

You were so sick and tires of Sergio always relying on you. And when you couldn’t please him he would flip out on you like it was your fault.

Lately this week though, he treated you more like crap than usual and you honestly were about to hit breaking point.

"How would I know Sergio, they’re not my dang shoes! Next time keep up with your stuff and you wouldn’t have to worry about it!” You yelled back from the kitchen where you were currently fixing you a drink.

You could still hear him blabbering about how you were no use but to be honest, you didn’t care. It obviously wasn’t working between the too of you.

“I’m leaving for rehearsal” Sergio said before slamming the hotel room door shut. You sighed, your heart breaking even more.

You didn’t know what to do anymore. You couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

You didn’t know if it was a situation that happened in the past that you both never confroned, or you guys just really weren’t for each other.

After a whole year together you figured you knew what was right for the relationship but apparently not. You eventually pulled your phone out texting Daniel.

‘Hey Daniel do you think I could stop by for a little bit,  I really need someone to talk to’ you sent.

You waited for about five minutes before he replied back a 'yeah’. You quickly grabbed your keys and purse before you made your way to Daniel's.

When you finally got there, you knocked violently on the door. On your way to Daniel's place  all you could do was think what life would be without Sergio and even though he was a pain in the butt, you just couldn’t see life with out him.

“Dang, someone’s in a hurry” Daniel joked, but once he saw your face, his immediately dropped, becoming serious. “Come in” he said. You sighed heavily, flopping on the couch. Daniel slowly made his way to you, sitting down next to you, unsure what was wrong.

“Hey you okay?” He asked laying a hand on your shoulder. Obviously neither one of you saw this coming but you wrapped your arms tightly around his waist, crying into his chest.

He didn’t even ask, he just sat there, holding you. After a good five minutes of you sobbing, you finally calmed down.

“You gonna tell me now?” He asked, rubbing your head softly. You nodded sitting up.

“I don’t want to lose Sergio, but I feel he doesn’t love me anymore. All he ever wants to do is fight with me and I can’t take it anymore.”

Danile sighed. He could see in your eyes that you were trying, but unfortunately slowly giving up. “I love him Daniel, I really do. But I can only take so Much. ” you said, your voice trembling. “I understand, I have noticed to be honest.

There is always tension when you guys are around”, you sighed placing your head in your hands with embarrassment.

“Daniel, I don’t know what to do ” you said. He rubbed your back.

“You need to talk to him, ” he suggested. You shook your head.

“ I’ve tried but each time it just ends in another fight” you said. You both kept quiet for a few minutes before he came up with an idea.

“ You need to make him want you” he said.

“Huh?” You questioned obviously not following along.

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