Sergio Calderon

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Y/n’s POV

It had been exactly one month now that you and Sergio had been together.

Because you weren’t exactly in the same social standing (he was popular and your weren’t), you hadn’t told anyone at your school.

Sergio was quite sporty. He had participated in soccer, tennis, basketball and any athletics he could get his hands on.

You on the other hand, were quite the opposite, spending most of your time listening to music and fangirling over your favourite celebrities.

Sergio had always been one of the popular guys at your school, but he was most well-known for being the school’s star goalkeeper.

The entire school would come out and support him, as well as the team. You would always sneak up at the back and watch from afar.

Sergio had never missed a goal in his entire time playing soccer.

Unfortunately for the two of you, you had recently had a fight.

You were frustrated that he was refusing to tell anyone about the two of you and you had thought that he was embarrassed to be with you. Were you not good enough for his friends?

Tonight was the school’s soccer grand final. The team had been playing in competitions all term leading up to this.

They were playing their rival school. Bayview High. Sergio had been trying to get you to talk to him for the last few days, but you were constantly stubborn and refused to talk to him until he had told at least one other person that you were together. 

Although you were mad, you found yourself still going to the soccer game. The crowd was going wild, so you figured if you sat in your usual spot at the back, no one would notice you. You did so and watched the game.

It was half-time and the score was 7-5. Not to say Sergio’s team was being destroyed, but they weren’t doing too well either. He had missed 7 goals. You couldn’t believe it. You could hear people muttering, and the comments were all about Sergio.

“Why isn’t Sergio saving the goals?”

“Is there something on his mind?” 

“Is he okay?”

You began to think. Why would he be missing goals. He never, NEVER missed goals.

But then you noticed something. He was looking up. He looked right where he knew you always sat.

Every game. He then locked eyes on you. You smiled and waved, knowing that it meant a lot to him that you were there. He smiled wide and resumed playing.

He was now doing wonderfully. There was only a minute left on the clock and the score was 7-7. If they scored one final goal they would win.

Bayview had been trying and trying to score, but Sergio wouldn’t let a single goal through now. He was on fire. Just as the final whistle blew, Sergio’s team scored a final goal.

They had won. They had won the oh-so-precious final. They would be remembered as champions.

The crowd had gone wild. Screams and cheering were heard from every angle. The Bayview supporters were all groaning as the interviewer moved over to Sergio.

“So, Sergio, we noticed that you weren’t really into it during the first half of the game. But then after half-time, you were on fire. What changed?” the interviewer asked, raising an eyebrow.

He hands the microphone to Sergio, who simply says, “I was a bit upset at first, because someone very important to me didn’t think she was that.

But when I saw her here tonight, everything changed. I realise now how special she really is to me so Y/N, I just want to say thatI love you, you are my everything and I am so glad that I have you in my life. I love you my beautiful girlfriend.”

The crowd applauded and cheered louder than before, chanting for you to go up to him. You did just that, and he pulled you into a long and passionate kiss.

“I love you.” he whispered.

“I love you too Sergio.”

I hope you guys liked this imagine. I will see you guys soon with a brand new Preference. REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!


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