Your Breakup

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Backstory: You and Michael have been dating for several years now. In fact you two have been dating since you were in 7th grade. You both are now a sophomore. About a month ago you noticed Michael was becoming very distant and kept trying to avoid you.

How: He hugged you tightly as you explained how much you miss him. He grabbed your shoulders and you stared into his teary eyes. He loudly sighed and began "Y/n I'm so sorry I know you have noticed how I'm avoiding you and it just isn't right for me to continue on like this. I just lost feelings for you and I don't understand what happened but I can't continue on in this relationship."

What you said: You backed away making his heads fall from your shoulders. "I thought those years of hugs, kisses, cuddles, parties, friendship, and love meant something to you. I guess not. You ran towards the door with your head down.

What you did: After reaching the outside of the door you knew he wouldn't come after you. The moon had just reach it's highest point, and the tears now fell freely from you eyes just as the rain fell freely from the sky. You continued walking down the sidewalk letting the sadness slowly take you over.


Backstory: Chance and you had only been dating for a few months. You just had your 6 month anniversary a week ago and you even met his parents. It was quite hectic but you didn't mind because you were spending it with him

How: Chance texted you after you got out of school. He appologized and said he was going to be home late because him and Michael were going our together, unfortunately you stayed up until he got home. You heard him slam the door shut and chuck the keys across the room. You rushed down to see that Chance was a drunken mess. He just rambled on about all these terrible things. He insisted that you were the ugliest and fattest girl he had ever met. It hurt but you let it slide, because you knew he was drunk. But what you couldn't let slide was that at the end of his speal he scream at you to leave and never come back. At that moment he sounded completely sober and very angry.

What you said: "Chance calm down please stop screaming you are scaring me." You said softly in between sobs. He just glared at you, then the door, then back at you. "You want gone?! Fine! Don't think you will ever see me again!" You said tear rushing down you splotchy red cheeks.

What you did: You rushed out the door and grabbed your keys and got into your car. You didn't know where you were going or how long you were going to be driving all you knew was that you never wanted to go back . AGAIN. After driving for about an hour you parked on the side of the road and just say there with you head in your hands. As you wiped away a stray tear you see headlights and hear screeching before it comes speeding towards you....


Backstory: Brady and you have actually been dating for a total of 6 years and you both had a big temper and whenever something went wrong, even if it was as small as which TV channel you two were going to watch, you guys would fight about it. Usually after an hour of silent treatment you two forgive each other but this time was different.

How: You had accidentally forgotten to fill up Brady's car before you two were about to go visit his parents. And you two were still a good half an hour away from their house when you ran out of gas. He used the last little bit to pull off to the side of the road. "Get out!" He demanded. You looked at him funny. "Get out. Walk home. Pack your stuff. Then leave and don't come back. I'm tired of all this bullcrap of you forgetting things and them saying it wasn't your fault.

What you said: "I'm sorry I'm such a mess up. I try to keep you happy but I guess trying isn't hard enough! I must be perfect or I can't date you huh? Your wrong though! You forget shit all the time and I'm forgiving but don't come crawling back to me this is it!"

What you did: You gathered all your stuff got out of the car slamming it shut. You waved goodbye jokingly blowing kisses before rolling your eyes as you removed your wedged shoes and walked away. Not to the house to pack your stuff but to the club, and well you drank until you passed out.


Backstory: You and Sergio have been dating for about 1 year and Sergio always had a temper when it comes to sma things. Whether it was you not washing the dishes or forgetting to pick up something after yourself. Sergio would just get mad.

How: You and Sergio just got dine making dinner and your forgot to clean the dishes. So Sergio calls you down to the kitchen with a mad tone in his voice. "Y/n what did I tell you about these dishes??" Sergio says.

What you said: "I'm sorry I forgot I guess apparently I can do anything right in your eyes we all forget things in life it's not a big deal if your going to keep treating me like this then I don't need to be with you"

What you did: You walk out the house and get into your car leaving Sergio their with the dirty dishes and his heart broken. And you went back 1 week later to grab your things and then after you never talk to him again.


Backstory: You and Drew have been friends since you guys were 5 years old. You guys finally decided to date in 10th gradem. But your relationship went downhill from there you guys were starting to distance yourself from each other and it soon got to the point where you guys wouldn't talk at school anymore.

How: It was just another day at school you were walking to lunch with your bestie Margaret. When you saw a guy that looks just like Drew kissing on the most popular girl in the school Lauren Walker.

What you said: "Drew what the heck are you doing?" You said. "Y/n it's not what it looks like" Drew says. "Yeah that's what they all say".

What you did: You walk up to him and slap him and Lauren in the face and walk away with tears downs your face planning to never speak to him ever again.

I hope you guys enjoyed this Preference. I will see you guys with a brand new imagine.

QOTD- Did you guys watch the RDMA's?


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