Drew Ramos

860 17 5

"Well, here we are.” You turn off the motor and smile over at Drew. “You ready?”

He laughs nervously in response, fingers playing distractedly with a button on his shirt. You reach over and take one of his hands. “You’ll be fine. They’ll love you.”

“I hope you’re right.” Drew opens the car door and steps out, and you walk together to your front door. “So, no politics in front of your mom’s family, and no religion in front of your dad’s -”

“Maybe just avoid those topics in general,” you suggest.

“Yeah, that’s probably a better idea,” he agrees.

You squeeze his hand encouragingly and then ring the doorbell. Immediately you hear a flurry of excited sounds coming from inside. A few heavy footsteps and the door bursts open to reveal one of your uncles.

“(Y/n)!” he bellows happily, and scoops you into a bear hug before ushering you inside, where you are instantly swarmed by your other relatives.

Drew is left standing on the doorstep, completely unnoticed. “Umm…” He looks to you for help.

Laughing slightly, you untangle yourself from the numerous outstretched arms and beaming faces.

Beckoning to Drew to come stand next to you, you explain to your audience, “This is my boyfriend, Drew.

Drew, meet my entire family.” He waves a little.

Twenty pairs of round eyes stare back at Drew, who shifts his weight uncomfortably. “Hi, nice to meet you all,” he says as confidently as he can.

Then the sea of faces comes to life again, and with it comes a barrage of questions and comments.

“How old is he?”

“What does he do for a living?”

“Does he do drugs?”

“Is he smart?”

“What about alcohol? Does he drink?”

“Has he ever hit you? He looks like a hitter.”

“Is he rich?” (One of your younger cousins…at least, you hope so…)

“Have you had sex yet?”

“Whoaa, okay!” You laugh nervously and lift your hands as if trying to defend yourself from the onslaught of way-too-personal questions.

You sneak a glance at your poor boyfriend. He likes to think of himself as fearless and macho, and prides himself in his masculinity…but right now he looks like a deer in the headlights.

Suddenly you smell something, and seize the opportunity for a distraction. “Is something burning?” you say, sniffing the air.

Your mother gasps and rushes over to the kitchen. The rest of the family scatters in a mixture of panic and excitement.

They regroup around the stove and watch as your mother pulls out a steaming golden (and now slightly burnt) turkey. “It’s fine, it’s fine!” she announces to assuage the fears of her audience. Cheers erupt.

Your aunt suddenly turns to Drew. “You do eat meat, don’t you?”

The family hushes and waits with bated breath. Drew looks around at all their expectant faces and quickly responds, “Oh, yeah, totally. Love meat. Love it,” he assures them.

A collective sigh of relief is heard. “Well, then, let’s sit down!” says your mom.

Like a swarm of bees, your relatives move as one mass over to the table. They squeeze themselves into the crowded chairs.

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