Drew Ramos

851 18 7

Third Person's Pov:

You sit on your bed watching more youtube videos when you hear a light tap on the window.

As soon as you hear the noise, you flinch. You look over at you window and see Drew. 

You look at him confused. It was 8pm, what was he doing? No one knew about your relationship with Drew, so you always had to keep it under the covers.

You shut your laptop, and slowly walk out of your house and to the front yard. He wraps your hands around you and hugs you, and though it is cold out, you feel warm beneath his arms. 

“What are you doing here Drew?” you say, nervous, but at the same time glad that he’s there.

“I needed to see you,” he says, bringing his hands out and he cups your cheeks in it, slowly rubbing his thumb along your jaw. He leans forward and kisses you.

The feel of your lips on his felt good. When your lips separated, you could feel the presence of his lips still there. 

He lightly pressed his forehead onto yours, and whispers “I love you Drew.”

“I love you too.”

I hope you guys enjoyed this Imagine. I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

QOTD- What's your favorite color?

My favorite color is pink and red.


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