He Thinks You Died..

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Michael: "Mom? What's wrong?" Michael cradles the phone on his shoulder as he listens to his mom's worried voice and the other boys on the tour bus turn to Liam with concern and curiousity. "Baby, (Y/N)...I got a few calls..." Dena's voice quivers. "What? What about her? Is she okay?" Michael's voice is more frantic now and the boys end their conversations and focus on him. "Her flat...there was a bad fire...I'm on my way there now, but the fire was really bad..." Dena trails off, he hears traffic in the background. She must be in her car. "Michael, they don't know if she made it out alive..." Michael freezes, the phone slides from his shoulder and hits the ground. "Michael? You okay?" Sergio calls. "Michael? What's wrong?" Brady adds. Michael shakes his head and picks up the phone, trying to call your cell with shaking hands. "I can't..." he angrily tosses his phone on the couch after trying and failing to reach you. "(Y/N)...a fire...they don't think she made it..." he buries his head in his hands and Sergio puts his arm around him. "Hey, I'm sure she's fine, here, I'll dial my cousin, she lives right by her flat, she'll probably know," he says softly, dialing his phone. But before he can dial, Michael's phone rings and he picks it up. "Michael!" you say, your voice choked and scratchy. "Oh, thank God!" he sighs with relief. "I was so worried! They thought...I thought..." You clutch the phone in your hand and sigh. "I'm fine, sorry, my phone had no service...I'm fine, but my flat isn't..." you look up at the charred remains and a tear slides down your cheek.

Chance: "Um, why is #RIP(Y/N) trending," Chance  looks up from his phone and raises an eyebrow. "That's not my (Y/N), is it?" The boys shrug and Chance checks his mentions...which is filled with condolences for 'his loss'. "Why is everyone tweeting me for my loss and that's trending..." his heart drops. "Fuck! What's going on?" the other boys look at him wide-eyed and he quickly clicks over to your twitter page....where you're replying at the same moment and refuting the rumors of your death. "Guys! I'm NOT dead! I was in the hospital for my broken ankle! Gosh!" you tweeted a few seconds ago. Chance sighs with relief and he checks his phone. Four missed calls. From you. About your broken ankle and saying you aren't dead cause you knew he'd worry. And he certainly did.

Drew: "Um, Drew?" Brady peeks his head in the room where the interviewer is interviewing his tattooed friend. "Yeah?" Drew looks over with a raised eyebrow, wondering what could possibly interrupt his interview. "I keep getting tweets and stuff about (Y/N)..." he looks at Drew sympathetically. "Have you talked to her lately?" Drew shakes his head. "Not since last night...why?" he gets out of his seat nervously. "I don't know if it's true, but a lot of people are saying..." he trails off. "A lot of people are saying she died this morning from a heart attack..." Drew shakes his head. "No! That can't be true...someone would've called me..." He looks down at its phone. Which is off. "Crap," he mumbles, powering his phone up quickly and looking over at the sympathetic interviewer with a shrug. "Drew, I didn't have a heart attack, idk who made that rumor up. Totally not cool. Talk to you later babe xx" a message from four hours ago from you pops up and he sighs in relief and thanks Brady for letting him know. "Freaking rumors..." he mumbles. Later on he decides to tweet about it in a twit longer, very unlike his usual lack of using twitter. "Look, I love you guys and I appreciate all of our fans, but rumoring that someone is DEAD, especially someone I love is really not cool. It's really fucked up and you got me worried sick. Please don't do that. xx Drew" And not even a smiley face. Things just got real.

Brady: "Brady," Brady looks away from the TV where the news is playing. "What Sergio? I'm busy," Brady's leaning over a song he'd been working on writing and he doesn't even turn around. "Brady." Sergio says sternly, watching the television wide-eyed. "What kind of car does (Y/N) drive?" Michael asks, squinting at the screen. A car crash. "Powder blue VW Jetta," he replies, wondering why they'd ask. "Dang, Brady, come look at this," Drew looks at his friend then back to the screen nervously. Brady turns around and glances at the TV and his jaw drops. On the screen is a powder blue VW Jetta that's been completely totaled. "...has been crashed and destroyed, hit from behind by a drunk driver and sent flying into a tree...the girl who had been driving the Jetta did not make it out alive...the drunk driver is in critical condition..." the reporter says sadly. "That...can't be her car," Brady whispers, looking closely at the screen, hands shaking. "Can't be her...." he adds. The other boys look skeptical and concerned. "Guys! That news report is from FLORIDA," Brady sighs and points to the screen. "She's in New York. Chesire. It's not her!" The other boys laugh at their mistake, but Brady's still a bit shaken up. This story could be quite an inspiration for that song he'd been working on...

Sergio: "Where's (Y/N)?" Sergio rubs the sleep from his eyes and slides on his sunglasses. You, him and the boys had gone on a trip to the beach and he'd fallen asleep. "Uh, I dunno, last I saw her she was in the ocean..." Brady says, brow furrowing. "She went out there ALONE?" Louis shouts, jumping up. "Well, yeah..." Michael says shrugging. "Why?" Sergio shakes his head and quicky looks out at the water. Nothing. "She can't swim! Christ! How long has she been gone?" he's more frantic now. 'I dunno, like fifteen minutes..." Drew mumbles from the lounge chair, looking at the shoreline for any sign of you. "Oh my GOD, what if she drowned!" Sergio shouts, running over to the shoreline. "Serg, calm down," Brady says, following him. "Calm DOWN? Why didn't any of you useless assholes go with her or wake me up or anything or..." he shakes his head and starts wading into the ocean. "Serg! I'm right here! I went to get ice cream!" you call out from a few feet away. "Christ!" Sergio sighs with relief and gathers you in a hug. "You scared the crap out of me!" You laugh and offer him some of your ice cream. "Sorry babe." Suddenly, Michael clears his throat loudly. "What?" Sergio replies. " 'Useless Assholes'? Really Serg?" Drew says. "Sorry, sorry, you know how I get when I'm worried..." Sergio sighs and wraps each of the boys in a hug. "Yeah, yeah," Brady mumbles, but Serg is forgiven. He's definitely one to worry about the ones he loves. Plus he's quite the drama queen...

Thanks for reading this Preference. I hope you guys enjoyed it I will have an Imagine up tomorrow.


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