Sergio Calderon

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Requested By: 1dforforever

Re-applying my strawberry-flavoured lip gloss for the fourth time that evening, I tapped my foot impatiently on the soft, navy blue carpet which covered every inch of the hotel room.

I do not care what you say; but when it comes to getting ready to go out, boys are definitely worse.

Moments, which honestly felt like hours, later, a familiar ‘secret-code-knock’ echoed throughout the small room. The ‘secret-code-knock’ was a unique sequence of sharp thuds, instantly informing you that it was a friend at the door, as opposed to a stranger.

Being close friends with Madison, and touring with her and the In Real Life boys, ensured that staying overnight in a hotel became a regular thing, therefore Michael had created the ‘secret-code-knock’ to make it easier for us to identify the person behind the door, without actually opening the door.

Harmless, but crazy, right?

I shuffled towards the door, avoiding the mass of clothes which carpeted the floor. Tugging at the heavy door, I pulled it open to reveal a smiling Michael standing behind it, his hands in his pockets.

“Uh,” he stammered, before being distracted by the fire alarm attached to the wall just outside my room. He raised his hand, reaching for the red alarm, just as I batted his arm away.

“Leave it!” I commanded, laughing in disbelief. “Anyway, are you all nearly ready? Where are the other boys?”

“Yeah, we’re ready. Are you?” He asked, glancing down at my simple outfit; black skinny jeans, a charcoal coloured stitch jumper, and a pair of all-black Vans.

I wore a silver chain necklace around my neck, and a pair of stud earrings to complete my look. Answering his own question and assuming that I was ready, Michael brought his gaze back to my eyes. “Y-you look great. Sergio will love it!”

“Shut up, oh my God.” I squealed, gently hitting his arm as I felt the colour attack my cheeks.

I’d had a major crush on Sergio Calderon, one of the In Real Life boys, since I’d met the guy. From his charming personality, to his handsome good looks, to his superb sense of humour; I couldn’t help but fall for him, harder than I’d ever fallen before.

Michael knew about it. He’d noticed my behaviour changes whenever Sergio was around, and he eventually caught on. Thankfully though, it was only Michael who knew. I knew he wouldn’t mention it, to anyone, but it did result in an endless amount of teasing.

Both Michael and I continued to chuckle, before our attention was diverted to the remaining boys piling out of Chance's room, vining and play-fighting.

All ten of us gathered in the centre of the hotel corridor, blocking it to anyone trying to pass. Luckily, no-one needed, nor wanted, to pass.

“Alright guys,” Sergio spoke, his voice risen in attempt to capture our attention. “Michael, Chance, Drew, in Chance's car. Me, Nakhia, and Brady, in my car. Jake and Madison are meeting us there.”

We all nodded in unison, muttering our agreement with the plan.

“I-I’m just gonna go grab my purse.” I announced, breaking away from the little huddle that we had unintentionally created.

I made my way back into my hotel room, before grabbing my stud-encrusted wallet, and locking the room door behind me, with a quick twist of the key. I swiftly walked back over, re-joining the group, to be told the news that the film we would be seeing had been decided.

“We’re gonna go see Sinister.” Chance snickered, knowing fine well that I completely and utterly despised horror movies. “I know how much you love scary films, Nakhia.”

They rest of the boys chuckled, obviously unaware of how deadly serious I was when I told them that I hated the genre.

Swallowing down the large lump that was currently rising in my throat, I followed the rest of the boys out of the swinging hotel doors, and out into the car park.

∘ ∘ ∘

The movie theatre was dark, obviously, and the advertisements hadn’t yet started. Jake and Madison had joined the bunch, and we’d already purchased our popcorn and drinks from the sweet counter.

Bounding down the aisle, we all took our seats, filling a whole row with our large crowd. I was located three seats into the row, with Brady on my right, and Michael on my left.

The advertisements only played for five minutes or so, then the movie began.

The beginning of the film wasn’t scary, it never is, so I was fairly calm. Around twenty minutes into the movie, Michael began to fidget around, gathering up his stuff.

“Where are you going?” I hissed, keeping my voice to a whisper. He gave me a quick smirk before squeezing along the row, trying his hardest to cause as little disruption as possible. Seconds later, Sergio sat down, replacing Michael. My stomach flipped, as I glanced at him.

“I-I wanted to see your reaction to the scary bits.” He whispered, chuckling. His laugh was probably the cutest, most adorable thing I’d ever heard.

Focus, Nakhia.

“Ugh,” I groaned, giggling, “you’re not funny. I thought you genuinely wanted to sit beside me because I rock.”

“That too.” He shot back. His eyes were on the screen, but his attention was on our conversation.

I let my eyes return to the screen, and seconds later, when the music changed, and the theatre darkened, I knew what was coming.

I brought my knees up and onto the seat, before covering my eyes with my trembling hands.

I was totally in the zone, mentally preparing myself for what’s to come, when a quiet snicker came from my left.

“What are you laughing at?” I gasped, laughing at his state.

“Y-You’re worse than John.” He cried, struggling to control his laughter. I playfully hit him, laughing at him, laughing at me.

He wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes, and managed to calm down. “Okay, are you actually that scared?” He asked, with a more serious expression.

I could look into his eyes all day long. “Like, are you genuinely scared right now?”

“Yes!” I hissed, nodding like a maniac.

Why does no-one believe me when I say that I'm freaking terrified?

He began watching the film again, as did I. Seconds later, he held out his right hand.

Is he doing what I think he is doing?

I hesitated, unsure, but took his hand in my own anyway, letting our fingers link together.

We remained in that position for the rest of the film, the odd squeeze every once in a while, only when it got to a really scary bit.

I was getting pretty interested in the film, and when Sergio leaned over to whisper in my ear, I almost choked on my soft drink.

“Thank you for being scared.”

I turned to look at him, as a confused look took over my face. “W-what do you mean?”

“Well,” he paused. He glanced down at our hands, which were still intertwined, before looking back into my eyes, smiling, “if you weren’t scared, I wouldn’t have an excuse to hold your hand.”

I hope you enjoyed your imagine 1dforforever. The messages got deleted so I can't remember what you requested but I still tried to write something cute.

I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

QOTD- After this book is completed should I make a second book?


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