Sergio Calderon

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Y/n's Pov:

I sat nervously, bouncing my leg up and down as I waited for my name to be called, I’m finally going to be done with high school, thank gosh. 

“Y/F/N!” I heard, I stood up instantly, walking at a normal pace to the principal who had my diploma in his hand. I smiled at the audience, for a split second thinking I saw someone familiar, but I assured myself that it wasn’t him, because he’s not home right now. 

"Mom.” I whined slightly as she squeezed me to death, once she let go I took an over exaggerated breath. She laughed at me, squeezing my arm shortly. 

“We have a surprise for you, back at the house.” She told me, looking between me and my dad. He nodded in agreement, “well, let’s go then!” I exclaimed, wanting to see the surprise.

“Let me see your phone, honey.” My mom said once we arrived home, we had just gotten out of the car. “Why?” I asked confused, she smiled knowingly. 

“Just trust me, you’re going to want this recorded.” She explained as my dad stuck his head into the house, not opening the door enough for me to see inside. 

I sighed giving my mom my phone and waiting to be told I could go in. She messed around for a minute or two before she finally got it set up to record, my dad came back and stood next to her. “go ahead.” He said. 

I wanted to run inside, but still I walked slowly- anxiously up to the door. I looked back at my parents before swinging the door open.

I froze in my spot before I covered my mouth as I started crying. Sergio was standing in my house, with a giant smile on his face. 

He laughed softly at my reaction before walking over to me, hugging me tightly. I responded instantly. “Sergio.” I sniffled into his neck, my arms wrapping around his neck to pull me closer to him. 

“Hey, darling.” He mumbled making me smile against his skin. He moved back to look at me. “How are you here? And my parents knew and just oh my gosh.” I rambled before hugging him again, he laughed but didn’t try and move back. 

I felt my parents move passed us and go into the house to give us a minute. “I’m so proud of you,” he paused to laugh, “do you know how hard it was not to yell and holler when you were up there?”

He added on, I moved away this time. “You were there! I thought I saw you.” I told him, finally feeling my eyes start to dry up. 

“I missed you so much.” He said, kissing me, I smiled against his lips. “I missed you too.” I responded. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine I will see you guys with a brand new Preference soon.

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I love it so much!!


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