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Picture of Carley when she moved to America.👆

Hey,My name is Carliana Anne Halloway.
I am almost 14.
My mother's name is Sammantha Quin and my father's name is David Halloway.
My parent got divorced when I was 7 years old and I had to move to America with my mother.

*FLASHBACK:7 years ago*

I was in my bedroom watching Netflix on my mom's laptop because she told me that when I heard her or my dad telling to put on ear buds and watch a movie.
I was watching Nemo.
I tried to ignore my mom and dad's yelling but it wasn't working.
It didn't matter how loud the volume was on the laptop or how hard I tried to ignore the yelling it didn't work.
I shut off the laptop and walked downstairs and walked over to the Mills' house acrossed the street.That's where I went when my parents were fighting because I was friends with Max and Harvey Mills,Mr.&Mrs.Mills' twin boys...they also had a son named Lei,who was 3 and a daughter named Tilly,who was a year old.
I knocked on the front door and Mr.Mills answered the door.
Paul-Hey Carley,Come on in.
He could tell by my expression that my parents were fighting.
My mom,Sara(Mrs.Mills),Paul
(Mr.Mills),and my dad have been best friends since before I was born.
Paul told me that Max,Harvey,and Leo were upstairs in Max and Harvey's room.
I walked upstairs and walked into the twins' room.
We played hide n' seek with Leo,video games,and then we went downstairs and outside to play Football(soccer).
I dont want to brag but I Won.
I scored 4 goals,Harvey scored 3,and Max decided to play against whoever won so it would be a fair games.
Max and Harvey switched places and I Won again.
I scored 5 and Max scored 2.
We were getting ready to play another game when Paul walked into the back porch with his phone in his hand and said.
Paul-Carley,your parents called and said that they needed you to come home.
Carley-Okay,Thanks Paul.
I hugged Max and Harvey
then headed to the front door where I hugged Leo and headed to my house.
My mom and dad were sitting on the couch and as soon as I walked into the room,mom asked me to sit down so I did and asked what was going on.
Mom-Honey,Your dad and I are getting a divorce.
Carley-Whats a divorce??
Mom-A divorce is when to people decide not to live together anymore.
Mom-Your dad and I decided that it would be better if we weren't together so that we don't have to argue anymore.
Carley-Can I still see Max and Harvey??
Mom-No,Honey,I'm sorry,we are moving to America.
After mom said that we were going America I bursted out crying and ran to my room.
I heard my mom talking on the phone with someone about moving to America and then a few minutes later I heard a knock at the front door.
My dad answered it and said 'Carley is upstairs in her room.'
I then heard my bedroom door opened and in came Max and Harvey.
They walked over to me and engulfed me in a group hug.
We all ended up crying.
Sara and Paul said that the boys could stay here because I was leaving tomorrow afternoon and my mom said that she doesn't know when we'll be back if we ever come back.
Paul brought the boys a bag with their stuff in it.
A tooth brush,pajamas,change of clothes,and a hair brush.
We all layed in my room on my bed watching Netflix on the laptop until we fell asleep.
(I was laying in between the boys while we were watching Netflix.)

Next Morning.
I woke up and realized that today was my last morning in Berkshire...or even England.
I may never see Max and Harvey again.
I didn't even realize it but I had tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.
I didn't even know Harvey was awake until he hugged me and whispered that everything would be okay.

5 minutes before we left to catch the plane.

Max,Harvey,and I were all hugging in a group hug just like last night.
We were even crying too.(I'm actually crying while writing this at 10:45pm)
Then the worst possible thing happened.
Mom said that it was time to leave.
Max let go of me while hugging his mom,crying but Harvey was still hugging me until Paul grabbed him so my mom could take me in the car.
Harvey ran in the house and grabbed a red jacket...his favorite jacket...and ran back over to me.
He hugged me and tied the jacket around my waist.
Harvey-Keep this and remember We will always be best friends.
Carley-Thanks Harvey.
We hugged again and then my mom made me her in the car.
I was waving at them until they were out of my site.

Skip Plane&Car ride

We just arrived at our new house.(In California.)
I'm still an emotional mess.
If anyone mentions Max and Harvey or England I break down crying.
It's hard enough just thinking about everything.
When we got to the house I ran upstairs and layed on my bed in tears.
I untied the jacket from my waist and hugged it tight...It still smells like Harvey.
I heard Max and Harvey's voices from downstairs and mom talking to them.
She opened my door with the laptop in her hand and said.
Mom-Carley,I think some best friends want to talk to you.
She sat the laptop on my bed and left my room I looked at the computer screen and saw Max and Harvey with tearstains on their face too.
I was talking to them went mom yelled that it was time for bed.
I told the twins Good Night,shut off the laptop,and put the laptop on my night stand.
I fell asleep hugging the jacket.

2 days later.
Carley's Pov.

It was Monday morning,and my first day of American school.
My mom woke me up and I got ready to go.
I got a bath last night so I just got dressed,tied Harvey's hoodie around my waist,and walked downstairs to eat breakfast and for my mom to style my hair.
After breakfast I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then ran into the living room where my Mom styled my hair.

What do you guys think of this story so far...I have big plans for this story.
Comment below what you think.

Word Count:1,149.

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