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Harvey's Pov.
It is now 2:30pm on a Friday.
I am waiting outside of the school to get Paisley to take her to physical therapy for her leg.
She has been going to therapy for about 2 weeks and she still says that she can't feel her legs or move them at all.
The therapist says that it is normal for a person to not be able to feel their limbs if the muscles have been torn and the bones have been crushed.
I saw one of Paisley's friends,Addison,pushing Paisley in her wheelchair towards my car.
After they both spotted me Addison started running while pushing the wheelchair while Paisley was laughing.
I smiled at the fact that Paisley was laughing even though she has to be in a wheelchair and that she doesn't care if she is considered different from her classmates because she is partially disabled.
She already understands that she may never walk again because of the muscle and bone damages in her legs.
Addison held onto the wheelchair while I picked up Paisley and sat her in the back seat.
Addison's father walked over to our car and looked at Addison.
He looked angry until he sawwho she was with and that she wasn't with strangers.
Harvey-Hey Peter.
Peter-Hey Harvey...Hey Paisley.
Peter gave Paisley a fist bump and they did that thing with their fingers while they pulled their hands away from each other.
Harvey-Well,We have to get going.Paisley has therapy at 3.
Thanks for helping us Addison.
Addison-No Problem.See you on Monday Paise.
Paisley-Bye Addie.

I put the wheelchair in the trunk of the car before getting in the driver's seat and driving to the therapy center.
After we got to the therapy center I got the wheelchair out of the trunk and then sat Paisley into the wheelchair.
I wheeled her into the waiting room that is in the center.
I put her by a chair and handed her my phone while I signed her in.
After I finished signing her in I walked back over to her and sat down,waiting for the therapist to call us back to the therapy room.
~A Few Hours Later~
We left the therapy center a while ago and we are now getting ready to go out to dinner with my family.
Carley and her mother got into an agruement about how Carley should raise the kids and now they are all mad at Carley for standing up to her mum about how she can choose how to raise her own children.
I agree with Carley about the agruement but I'm trying to stay out of it as much as possible because I am terrible with girl issues and drama.
I will be there for Carley and the girls and will support them but I don't want to get involved with their drama.
Its just best for everyone that I mind my own business and stick to what I'm good at.
I carried Paisley upstairs and sat her down onto her bed.
I picked out a few outfits from her closet and held them out so that she could choose what she wanted to wear.
She decided to wearing a light blue sundress that came down to her knees with a white headband and a pair of white flip flops.
She asked me to do her hair so I braided it for her.
After were ready to go I carried Paisley downstairs and sat her on the couch to go and help Carley get the twins ready to go.
Carley blow dried their hair and I took McKenzie to get dressed while Carley took McKayla to get dressed.
I put McKenzie in a light pink sundress that is just below her knees with matching light blue sandals and a white headband.
Carley put McKayla in a light purple sundress that is just below her knees with matching light purple sandals and a white headband.
Carley braided the twins hair to match Paisley's hair before going to get ready.
Carley braided her hair,put on a light yellow sundress with white flip flops and a pair of white sunglasses.
I gave the twins and Paisley their pairs of white sunglasses and Carley came downstairs ready to go.
I put on my red swimming trunks and a white shirt with my black sunglasses and flip flops.
Paisley is wearing a blue ranking bathing suit under her sundress,McKenzie is wearing a pink and green striped one piece bathing suit that has a little red crab on the front,McKayla is wearing a purple and green striped one piece bathing suit that has a little red crab on the front,Carley has on a yellow bikini,and I have on my red swimming trunks.

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