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Doctor-Okay,Well,You are having...

Carley's Pov.

Doctor-You are having...Twin girls.
I just looked at him shocked.
After I came back to reality I left and went home.
After I got home I figured out how I was going to tell everyone...I already decided to not tell Harvey,my dad,and their families.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum,Alexander West,her husband of 2 years, and my older brother,Jackson sitting at the kitchen table.
My mum was on her phone,Alexander was looking through a newspaper while drinking coffee,and Jackson was texting someone.
I cleared my throat and everyone looked up at me.
I nervously said...
Carley-Well,I need to tell you guys something that I should have told you before and you guys will be angry with me.
Mum-What is it honey??
Carley-You guys can't tell anyone.
Mum,Alexander,and Jackson looked at me shocked and then mom said...
Mum-How long??
Carley-6 months.
I took the extra copy of the ultrasound sound from today out of my purse and handed it to my mom.
Mum looked at it and realized that there were 2 babies and it said the genders at the top.
Mum looked at me shocked and said...
Mum-Twin girls...who's the father??
Carley-I'd rather not say.
Mum-Carliana Ann,who is my grandbabies' father??
Carley-One of the Mills twins.
Mum-Harvey...he's the father,isn't he.
I nodded and said...
Carley-He doesn't know,and he doesn't need to know.
Mum-You have to tell him...he deserves to know.
Carley-I know but I don't want to ruin his dream and career over these babies...I can take care of them myself.
I fast-walked upstairs and into my room.

A few months later.
I am now 9 months pregnant and I decided to tell my fans that I am pregnant.
The Mills family and my dad's family still don't know I'm pregnant...I also haven't video chatted Harvey in a while or even called or texted.
My mum have me an early Christmas present from her and was 3 plane tickets to England for me and the twins because I was due to have the twins yesterday and Christmas is 2 weeks away.
I decided to tell everyone(my fans) that I was expecting today.
I got on Instagram and posted a picture.

"9 months pregnant with Twins💕"


Kelsey_Kay:Your pregnant?!?!
JennaMarie:Who's the father??
JessicaAllen:Boys,girls,or both??
ParkerPeters:Why didn't you tell us??

I got up from the couch and walked out to my mum's car because I had to go to an interview today and she said that she would take me.
We went to the interview studio and Ellen was sitting in her host chair on the stage talking to the audience.
The manager of the show ran out and told Ellen that I was here and then he ran back.
Ellen-Guys,We have a special guest that just announced some big news on her Instagram today...Please Welcome,Carliana Quin.
I walked out onto the stage with my hands on my stomach and walked over to Ellen...I say down in the guest chair and we started the interview.
She was asking me questions about the twins.(Max,Harvey,the Mills family,and my dad's family and friends don't watch the Ellen show so I could answer questions and they wouldn't know.
Ellen-So,Carliana,Everyone wants to know...What are the genders of the twins??
Carley-Well,they are both girls.
Ellen-Have you chose any names yet??
Carley-Yeah,I'm thinking probably...Finley Kitt and Oakley Ann.
Everyone in the audience said 'Aww' in unison.
Ellen then asked.
Ellen-Who is their father??
Carley-Umm,He lives in England so I don't think I should reveal that until after he knows.

We ended the interview and I went home with my mum.
After I got home I changed into sweatpants and a tank top,and then went to sleep.
A few hours later.
10pm the same night.
I woke up in pain crying.
I got up out of bed and yelled for my mum.
She ran upstairs to my room and helped me walk downstairs while Jackson grabbed my hospital bag,while Alexander helped my mum get me to the car.
Mum and Alexander helped me into the back of the car where Jackson held my hand.
Alexander drove to the hospital and then mum carried my hospital bag while Jackson and Alexander helped me into the hospital.
A nurse came up to me with a wheelchair and helped me sit down.
She took me to change into a hospital gown and get me into a hospital room.
After I changed and was lati,h down in a hospital room the nurse asked me who I wanted to be in the delivery room with me.
I said that I wanted my mum to be in here.
I got a sharp pain in my stomach and then my mum came over to the bed and held my hand.

Reunited with the Mills Twins (Max and Harvey Mills Fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now