Finding Out??

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Max smiled and walked away.

Carley's Pov.
An hour later.
I was still watching Netflix on the tv when I heard the front door open and then close.
I heard Max and Harvey talking.
After a few minutes someone knocked on my bedroom door.
I said 'Come In' so they opened the door and reveled themselves as the one and only Harvey Mills.
He stood in the doorway looking at the floor.
Carley-I said that you could come in.
Harvey walked in the room and sat on the end of my bed.
I sat up on the other end of the bed.
Harvey-Carley,I'm Sorry.
Harvey-I'm sorry for hurting your wrists,not respecting that you don't want to talk about what was going on,and it you ever want to talk about anything in always here for you.
Carley-Thanks Harvey.
Harvey left my room and then I decided that I need to tell him eventually.
I am going to tell him after the baby is born.
I have to go back to California in about 2 months so I should be able to keep it a secret...if I'm even pregnant.
I decided to walk to a nearby store.
I told my dad that I was heading to the store but I didn't tell him why.
30 minutes later
I just got back from the store and I headed upstairs with the bag that had 3 pregnancy tests in it.
I went to the bathroom and took the tests.
I sat the tests on the counter and sat on the floor while i was on my phone because I had to wait 10 minutes before I could see the results.
I was sitting on the floor when I heard someone yelling and crying after I heard glass shatter.
I forgot about the tests and ran downstairs.
I saw Leo sitting on the floor crying so I picked him up and cleaned up the cut he had on his wrist.
I walked back upstairs to my room when I remember the tests,i ran into the bathroom and seen that one of the tests were gone.
I looked all around the bathroom for it until I heard Max and Tilly talking in Max's room which was right beside the bathroom.
I picked up the other tests and put them in my pockets.
I walked over to Max's room and looked in the door that was partially opened.
Tilly was holding the pregnancy test and handed it to Max.
She asked him what it was.
He asked her where she found it and she said that she found it along with 2 other tests in the bathroom.
Max's Pov.
Tilly ran into my room with something in her hands.
She handed it to me and I realised that it was a pregnancy test...A positive pregnancy test.
Someone here was pregnant.
I walked downstairs to talk to mum.
I showed her the test and asked if it was hers.She told me that it wasn't so I went to find Hailey.
I asked Hailey about it too and she said that it wasn't hers.
There was only one girl left to ask...Carley.
I walked upstairs to her room and knocked on the door.
She said for me to come in so I opened the door and walked in.
I sat in the edge of her bed and then asked her...
Max-Carley,Tilly gave this to me a little while ago and I've already asked my mum and Hailey and they said it wasn't theirs...Is it yours??
She just looked at the ground and quietly said...
Carley-What are the results??
Max-It says that it's positive.
Carley continued to look down but I saw a tear stream down her face.
She nodded her head and quietly said...
Carley-Yeah,It is.
Max-Who's baby is it??
Carley stayed silent for a minutes and a few more tears streamed down her face.
I calmly asked her...
Max-Carley,Who's baby is it??
Even though I already knew the answer.
Carley-It's H-Harvey's baby.
I hugged her while she cryed into my shoulder and said...
Carley-Please don't tell anyone Max.
Max-I wont.

Harvey's Pov.
I was walking down the hallway towards Max,Tilly,Leo,and I's room when I heard Max and Carley talking in her room.
Max asked Carley about a positive pregnancy test.
I could hear Carley crying and then she said that the test was hers.
Max asked her who's baby it was and she said that it was mine.
I decided to let her tell me herself because I know that I wasn't supposed to hear that conversation.
I walked to my room and got on my phone.
I tried to forget about what I heard Max and Carley talking about but I couldn't...I'm gonna be a father.
I'm nervous but also excited.
I want to run up to Carley and hug her but she doesn't want me to know about the baby yet.
A few minutes later Carley walked into my room.
Carley-Max and I are going to the pool if you wanna come.
I got up and started getting changed after Carley walked out.
A few minutes later I saw Max sitting on the couch in his swimming trunks and I saw Carley in the kitchen in her blue bikini with a white cover up.
Harvey-Ready to go??
We all headed outside and started walking to the pool.
Carley was holding my hand.
We got to the pool which was packed and we walked over to a few wooden chairs and layed or towels on the 3 chairs that were beside each other.
All 3 of us got in the pool and swam around.
We went down the water slide a few times,and went off of the diving board.
After about an hour at the pool.
I saw Carley getting out of the pool.
I asked her why she was getting out.
Carley-I'm not feeling that great so I'm going to go lay down on my towel.
Harvey-Okay,I'll be over in a few minutes.
Carley-It's fine,you don't have to.
Go have fun with your brother.
I swam over to Max and told him that Carley and I were getting out of the pool for a while.
He said that it was fine so I got out and walked over to Carley and saw that she was laying on her back with her hand on her stomach.
I continued to walk over to her.
I layed down beside her and wrapped my arm around her waist.
She turned towards me and layed her head on my chest with her arm over top of my stomach.
Carley's Pov.
I decided that today is when I'm going to tell Harvey that I'm pregnant...he deserves to know and I know that he would be even more angry with me if I waited to tell him.
Carley-Harvey,We need to talk.
Harvey's Pov.
Carley-Harvey,We need to talk.
I got kinda nervous when she said that.
I looked down at her and she said.
Carley-I know that your going to be mad at me and leave me but I think you deserve to know...
Harvey-I would never leave you Carley.I love you.
Carley sat up beside me and I say up with her.
She looked nervous and she was looking down.
I grabbed her and slightly squeezed it to reassure her.
Carley then quietly said.
I could barely hear her but I know what she said.
She now had tears streaming down her face.
I pulled her onto my lap and hugged her.
She hugged me back while crying.
She then said...
Carley-I don't know what to do.You live here and I live in California...I will be back after the baby is born for summer vacation but until then I'm going to be alone.
Harvey-Anytime you need me I'll be there,no matter how far apart we are...I'll be there.
She then hugged me again while still crying.
Carley's Pov.
I am now 9 months pregnant.
I haven't seen Harvey in about 7 months.
We video chat and text all the time.
I've been going to school.
My mum,teachers,and classmates all know that I'm pregnant.
My dad,Hailey,Sara,and Paul know too but I haven't talked to them recently.
I text Max a lot still,especially on the group chat that I made for Max,Harvey,and I.
At the moment I'm in class and the baby is moving around a lot right now.
I am due to have the baby I'm about a week and a half so Harvey is coming here next week with his mum so that he can be there with me at the hospital.
I found out that the baby is going to be a girl and I'm really excited.
Harvey and I have been trying to come up with baby names but he has his heart set on naming our baby Kevin...I explained to him that the baby was going to be a girl but he doesn't care he said that we are naming get Kevin.

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