What's next??

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So far that's all we know...

Harvey's Pov.
A few months later.(Monday)
Carley and I are still together.
Since we are never getting older
(Physically because they are Vampires.)
We have decided to quit school and leave town.
No humans can know that we are vampires.
Carley and I decided to leave at the end of the week...the hardest thing about this situation is that we have to erase everyone in the towns minds of us...but we will remember them because no one can erase a vampires memory.
Today is now Friday and we have packed everything and erased everyone memories of us.
It was time for us to leave so I met Carley in the woods behind her house.
We flew hand in hand carrying our luggage all the way to America where I built us a little house deep in the woods next to a big stream.
We finally arrived at the house after hours of flying and it was starting to get daylight so we headed into the house to unpack everything.

(White walls with Blue Roof.)

(Their house would be up on in the hill.)
We unpacked everything and explored the house.
We took a nap in our room until it finally got dark outside.
We headed outside and went hunting.
After we were done hunting Carley said that she was going to get a shower upstairs so I got a shower downstairs.
I got a shower,changed into basketball shorts and a muscle tee shirt.
I walked into the bedroom after brushing my teeth and blow crying my hair.
Carley just walked out of the bathroom in a tank top and yoga shorts.
We sat on the bed and talked for a little while until the sun came up.
I woke up and saw Carley asleep on my chest with her arms around me and my arms were around her waist.
I slightly smiled and then rolled her off of me which woke her up.
She woke up,rubbed her eyes,
and got up.
We got dressed warmer and went hunting again.
Carley and I have been living together for 2 years.
We today is Carley's 16th birthday and we have been watching movies most of the day.
I have been recently looking at parenting books because 'Something' happened a few weeks ago.
Carley hasn't told me if she was pregnant or not yet but I kind of hope she is so that we can have a kid to take care of.

Carley's Pov.
I found out earlier today that I was pregnant with Harvey's baby.
I haven't told him yet because I dont really know how to tell him,I dont know if he wants a baby or not.
I have already decided to tell him tonight because I can't keep this baby a secret forever and he deserves to know.
A few hours later.
We were out hunting.
Harvey decided to race me to the top of one of the near by hills.
Harvey looked back at me,laughing because he won and that I was slower than him.
Harvey-I Won.
Carley-Well,You only won because your not pregnant.
Harvey looked at me shocked and then said...
Carley-I'm pregnant Harvey.
Harvey got a huge smile on his face and ran down the hill towards me and spun me around while hugging me.
Carley-So,Your excited huh.
Harvey pulled away from the hug and nodded his head really fast and then hugged me again.
The sun began to raise so we had to head back to the house.
After we got back to the house we changed into sweatpants and Harvey changed into a tee shirt while I changed into a tank top.
I walked past the bedroom mirror towards the door when I saw a bump.
I turned to look at the mirror and saw that my stomach was bigger than before...I looked about 6 months pregnant when I was only about 2 weeks pregnant.
I walked downstairs and into the living room to watch a movie with Harvey.
When Harvey saw my stomach his eyes lit up and he smiled.
Harvey-I thought you were just 2 weeks pregnant about 20 minutes ago.
Carley-So did I.
I saw down with Harvey and we watched a movie.
About half way through the movie I felt Harvey put his hand on my stomach.
I smiled and put my hand over his.
We finished watching the movie and headed upstairs.
I woke up and Harvey was gone.
I tried to get up and couldn't I also couldn't see over my stomach because it looked like I was 9 months pregnant when I'm only 6 weeks pregnant.
We emailed Zach about 2 weeks ago and asked him why my baby bump was bigger than human baby bumps at 4 - 6 weeks and he said that Vampire babies grow faster than human babies so that I could end up the baby at 8 weeks(2 months) and it would be the same as if a human had a baby at 9 months.

So apparently I could have this baby anytime after next week.

Harvey is the one who told me what Zach said on the email so he knows that I could have the baby anytime after next week.

I tried to get up off of the bed again but still failed so I yelled for Harvey and he came running up the stairs as fast as he could with a terrified look on his face.
I looked at him and giggled.
Carley-Harvey,Im not having the baby yet,i just can't get up.
Harvey's face went from terrified to smiling in like 2 seconds.
He grabbed my hands and helped me up.
I thanked him and tried to hug him but couldn't because my baby bump was in the way so I side hugged him and he laughed.
We walked downstairs to the living room and decided to watch a movie because it was daytime and I couldn't do much else at the moment.
By time the movie was over the coffee table in front of the couch was covered with snacks and plates.
Harvey helped me up because I tried to and failed terribly again.
I walked upstairs to change my clothes because it was getting dark and we were going hunting soon...we'll More like Harvey was going to try to hunt and I was going to sit on the porch laughing at his failed attempts.
After we were done hunting we went back in the house and we went to sleep because it was starting to get daylight.
I was asleep beside Harvey when I felt a sharp pain and I managed to get up without waking him.
I walked towards to bathroom when Harvey jumped up and asked what was going on.
I told him that I was having the baby.
He started packing a bag to take to the hospital until I remembered that Vampire babies are different than human babies.
Vampire babies are really pale and they are born with fangs.
I told Harvey that we couldn't go to the hospital and explained why so he called Zach and Zach said that he would send someone that had a medical degree that is also a vampire.
A few hours later.
I was laying in the bed in pain while Harvey was sitting on a chain holding my hand.
The vampire that Zach sent here  finally came.
A few hours later.
I finally had the baby and found out that it was a little girl.
Harvey and I were in tears because we were so happy to finally see our baby.
We decided to name her Annabella Rose...and call her Annie or Anne as a nickname.

and call her Annie or Anne as a nickname

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She has Bright Blue Icy Eyes...She has a normal skin tone and blue eyes instead of being pale with red eyes at the moment because she is half human still.

She has a normal skin tone and blue eyes instead of being pale with red eyes at the moment because she is half human still

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Harvey was holding Annabella when she looked up at him and giggled.
He smiled back down at her and laughed while I just layed beside them at how much alike they are.
I was on my phone when I looked over at Harvey and Annabelle and saw Annabella asleep in Harvey's chest while he had his arms wrapped protectively around her.
I took a picture of them and sent it to Harvey's phone so that he could see it when he woke up.

So far,Carley and Harvey have a newborn 'Half Vampire' daughter named Annabella Rose.
Carley and Harvey's families don't remember them or even know about Annabella.
What's next on their journey called Life?

Word Count:1,467

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