Dream or Reality??

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AND CARLEY HAVE NEVER MET AND CARLEY'S MUM WAS REALLY SICK SO THAT'S WHY CARLEY HAD TO MOVE TO BERKSHIRE WITH HER DAD...The illness that Carley's mum has Will be revealed in another chapter...

Mum-Honey,I'm sorry.I don't know who they are.

Carley's Pov.
I think my mum is playing around with me...how could she not know who her grandaughters are??
I walked back downstairs after getting dressed and went outside to my mum's car with my luggage.
I put my luggage in the back seat of the car and got in the passenger seat.
My mum got in the drivers seat and drove me to the airport.
I got out of the car in front of the airport and got my luggage out of the back seat before dragging the bags into the airport and to the loading gate.
After my luggage was put with other people's bags on the airplane I took my travel backpack and walked to gate 22 where my plane will be loading in 5 minutes.

I just arrived back in London,England and I am now at the luggage pick up while looking for my dad.
I grabbed my bags and dragged them around the airport until I saw a family holding a sign with my name on it.
I walked up to them and asked the man of he was David Holloway.
Man-Yes,You must be Carliana.
Carley-Yeah,but I go by Carley now.
Man-Well Carley,i would like to introduce you to my wife and daughters.
He pointed at a young women...probably in her late 20's.
Dad told me that her name was Sidney.
Then he pointed to 4 kids.
The oldest looked about 8 and the youngest looked around a year old.
There was a little boy named Tyler,a little girl named Emily,and twins named Ava and Ashton.
My dad said that Tyler was 9,Emily was 6,and Ava and Ashton are 11 months old.
(They'll be a year old in a month.)
We went to the car and my dad put my luggage in the trunk.
Sidney buckled Ashton in his car seat and asked me to buckle Ava into her car seat since she was sitting beside Ashton and I was right beside her.
After everyone was ready to leave dad drove to Berkshire and I just stared out of the window...Berkshire looks basically the same as when I was here a few years ago right before the divorce.
(Btw,Just pretend that Carley,Harvey,and Max haven't video chatted,talked,or texted each other in years and Carley never found any of their Social media accounts.)
I got out of the car and got Ava and Ashton out of the car while dad and Sidney grabbed my bags.
The twins held my hands and we walked into the house while Tyler opened the door for us and Emily ran to the staircase.
I helped the twins take their costs and shoes off and I helped them onto the couch while putting Frozen on the tv for them.
Tyler sat down with the twins and Emily grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to my room.
She led me down to the end of the hallway,opened the door,and said...
Emily-This is your room.
I walked to the living room to grab my bags and drag them to my room.
A few hours later.
I finally finished putting away everything.
I decided to go for a walk so I changed into a pair of black leggings,black ugg boots,and a light pink long sleeve PINK(Brand) shirt that is light at the top and dark at the bottom.
I left my hair down all wavy and walked outside.
I was walking down the driveway when I saw 2 boys playing basketball in the front of their house.
I was walking down the street in my phone when I felt someone watching me.
I looked back at the same 2 boys and saw them staring at me.
As soon as I saw them staring at me I turned completely around and stopped.
I then yelled...(Since I was down the street away from them.)
Carley-Take A Picture...It Will Last Longer.
As soon as I said that the boy with the hat laughed and the other boy's face turned red and he looked away.
I lightly giggled and walked back up the street to them.
I was standing in front of them when I said...
Carley-Hey,I'm Carley...I just moved in up the street.
I pointed to my house.
BoyWithHat-That's cool,and Im Max and this is my twin brother,Harvey.
Carley-Nice to meet you guys.
I saw two little kids walk into the front yard.
Carley-Are these your siblings??
Max-Yeah,These are our little siblings,Leo and Tilly.
Carley-They are so cute.
Tilly and Leo left with their parents to go to the park.
Max asked for my number so I exchanged numbers with Max and then I looked at Harvey and said.
Carley-Whats wrong Harvey??
Harvey just looked up at me for a second while a red face and then looked back down.
Max-He's just shy.
Carley-Oh,Okay.Well,i gotta be heading home.
I waved at the twins and walked back home.(I forgot to mention that my mom has been really sick and has been in the hospital so I had to move in with my dad so that I could get proper care.)
I walked upstairs to my room and was on Netflix until I got a text from Max.
I clicked on the text and it said...
Max😎~Do you wanna go to the beach in 30 minutes with me and Harvey??
Carley🐬~Sure,where do you wanna meet up??
Max😎~Harvey and I will come and get you.
Carley🐬~Okay,see you later.

I got up off of my bed and got changed into a black bikini that ties around my neck and back,and bottoms that tie on the sides.
I put on a cover outfit of jean shorts,a white crop top and black flip flops.
I got my swim bag and put my phone,sunglasses,sunscreen,and towel in the bag and headed down stairs to wait on the boys and as soon as I was at the top of the stairs I heard my dad talking to someone and then yelled for me.
Dad-Carley,You have visitors.
Carley-Okay,Thanks dad.We are going to head to the beach.
I kissed my dad on the cheek and left.
Max,Harvey,and I walked to the beach and I realized that I forgot my sunscreen on my bed.
I don't usually burn so I just say all of my stuff down on the sand,took off my cover up and layed down on my towel.
A few minutes later I felt the sun go away and I opened my eyes and saw Harvey standing above me.
Harvey-Are you coming in the water yet??
Carley-I'm tanning right now,i might get in the water later.
I closed my eyes again and I felt someone lift me up off of my towel.
I wrapped my arms around Harvey's neck and he ran towards the water.
I yelled while laughing telling him to put me down.
But instead of putting me down on land he dropped me in the water and a big wave crashed over us and knocked me down.
When I came back up from the water I had my arms around Harvey's neck and he was hugging me close to him.
Max left about 15 minutes ago because he got bored.
There I was with my arms around Harvey's neck and his arms around my waist protectively.
We were looking into each other's eyes and he started leaning in...Omg,this is it...My first kiss.
We were about to kiss when...

What happened??
Who do you ship Cax/Marley or Charvey/Harley??

Word Count:1366

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