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Carley's Pov.
An hour later.
I woke up and Harvey was asleep beside me with his arm around my waist.
I smiled and tried to get out of his grip...but I failed.
He just got a tighter grip around my waist and went back to sleep.
I tried to get free again but this time he just rolled on top of me and fell back to sleep...he is so mean sometimes.(😂😂)
I pushed him off of me and then he pulled me on top of him.
I just gave up and went back to sleep.
A few hours later.
I woke up,and walked downstairs.
Harvey was sitting in the living room watching a movie.
I walked over to him and asked where everyone was.
Harvey-Hailey and David took your siblings and Paisley to the beach for the day and Max went with them.
Carley-Oh Okay.
I sat down with Harvey and started watching the movie with him.
I realized that this was a scary movie.
After a few minutes there was a jump scare and I jumped and hid my face in Harvey's side.
He started laughing and then he hugged me.
I hugged him back and then he kissed me which turned into a makeout session.
We went up to my bedroom while still kissing and Harvey shut the door and locked it.
Let's just say that things happened.
After that I went to my closet,got some comfortable clothes,and got a shower.
After I got a shower I blow dried my hair,put it in a messy bun, got dressed and then saw Harvey sitting on my bed with his clothes to get a shower.
He went into my bathroom to get a shower while I changed the bed sheets.
After he got a shower he came back into my room and he just layed on my bed and fell asleep.
A few hours later.
I was woken up by Paisley sitting on my stomach poking my face while smiling.
I smiled and sat up.
I hugged her and then I realized that my stomach hurt.
I put my hand over my stomach and closed my eyes tightly.
Paisley yelled for Harvey and he walked into the bedroom.
He saw me and picked up Paisley.
He put Paisley down on the floor and told her to go play with Ashton and Ashlynn.
She ran out of the room and down the stairs.
Harvey sat on the bed beside me and just hugged me.
I cried into his shoulder because my stomach hurt A LOT.
Harvey ran into the bathroom and got me some pain medicine.
After a while i felt better.
I was still in pain but it wasn't as bad.
I was laying on my bed and Harvey was laying beside me.
I had my head on his chest and he had his arm around my waist.
A while later.
The pain medication stopped working and I was in tears again.
Harvey ran downstairs and got Hailey because the pain medication wasn't working anymore even after I took another one.
Hailey came upstairs with Harvey and I was laying on my bed in tears while hugging my pillow.
Hailey told Harvey to go help Dad watch the kids while she was up here helping me.
Harvey hesitated at first but I told him that I was okay so he walked downstairs.
Hailey tried different things that she learned when she was in medical school but nothing was helping so she told me that I needed to go to the hospital just to see what was wrong with my stomach.
She packed me a bag with clothes and a tooth brush just in case I had to stay there over night.
Hailey helped me walked downstairs while I was holding my stomach and she was carrying my bag.
Harvey rushed over to me as soon as he saw me and then Hailey told him that I needed to go to the hospital.
She agreed to watch Paisley so Harvey helped me to the car and then he drove me to the hospital.
We walked into the hospital and Harvey helped me while carrying my bag.
A nurse took me to a hospital room and I changed into a hospital gown.
I was laying on the bed and the nurses and doctors did some tests.
After the tests were finished Harvey was able to come in.
After about an hour the doctors and nurses came back into my room and said that there were a few more tests that they had to do.
I just held Harvey's hand during the tests.
After about an hour the doctors and nurses finally left and said that they would be back in a little while with the test results.
Harvey was laying on the bed with me and I ended up falling asleep with Harvey's arm around my waist and I had my head on his shoulder.
A few hours later.
A nurse came into the room and told us the results...I'm pregnant again.
They said that it was too earlier to know the gender or how many.
I hugged Harvey while crying and he hugged me back.
He didn't seem sad about the fact that I was pregnant.
A little while later I changed into some of the clothes that Hailey packed for me.
I changed and then we left.
I was sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window with a lot of questions going through my head.
It was silent the whole ride home and Harvey was holding my hand.
We got to the house and I ran upstairs.
Harvey went and told Hailey that we were home and then he came upstairs.
I was sitting at my bay window looking outside at the people walking on the sidewalk.
I saw a group of teens walking by laughing and talking...then I realized that I took that away from Harvey when I had Paisley.
I'm going to go back to California with Paisley so Harvey can have a normal life and be able to be a regular teenager.
Harvey came over and hugged me and I ended up falling asleep while Harvey was hugging me.
The next morning.
I woke up and I was in my bed.
Harvey must be downstairs because he isn't in my room like he usually is.
I walked to my bedroom door and locked it.
I began packing up my clothes.
After about an hour I finished packing all my clothes so I hid my suitcases under my bed.
I unlocked the door and tip-toed to Paisley's room.
I locked the door and began packing her clothes.
After I finished I rushed over to my room and put her suitcases under my bed as well.
After I was done putting her suitcases under my bed I walked downstairs and saw Harvey playing outside with Paisley in the pool.
He was carrying her while spinning her around and she was laughing and smiling.
I feel bad that I'm taking Paisley back to America with me but I want him to have a normal life and to be able to be a normal teenager.
Later that night.
I gave Paisley a bath and then I got a shower after I dressed her and put her in her crib with a bottle.
I went into my bedroom after I was ready for bed and saw that Harvey was already asleep.
I checked each of the bedroom and saw that everyone was asleep so I got Paisley and I's luggage from under my bed and I took it outside with me.
I called an uber and then walked back upstairs to get Paisley.
I picked her up and wrapped her in her blanket.
I put her bottle in her diaper bag,
and carried Paisley and her diaper bag downstairs and outside.
I sat her in her car seat that I had already brought outside and I loaded our luggage into the car.
I had just put Paisley's car seat in the car and was getting ready strap her car seat in so that it was secure in the car when I saw the front door open.
Peyton was standing in the doorway.
I waved goodbye to her while she was crying and yelling for Harvey.
Harvey ran outside when he saw me and he ran towards the car but it was too late...the car was moving and we were in it.
I rolled down the window and yelled goodbye.
After we got a distance away I saw that Harvey was at the end of the driveway on his knees on the ground crying.
I felt bad but he would eventually forget about us and have a normal life.
A week later.
I arrived in Brooklyn,New York a few days ago because I knew that Harvey would be in California by morning looking for us.
Today I decided to get a makeover so that it would be harder for Harvey to notice me.
Paisley and I went to a salon and I got my hair dyed and I also decided to dye Paisley's hair.
My Hair⬇

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