Chapter 1 - Hopeful Lies And Despairful Truths - Meeting the Students

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I could see nothing at all.

An endless void of darkness was set in front of me and it seemed to go on forever.

"Hey..." I called out, "help, me."

Suddenly, a small dim light illuminated in the distance and it slowly went closer to me, and with it, the size and brightness of the light grew larger. When it fully engulfed my vision, I woke up.

"Nngh," I grunted.

My body slumped onto the floor after falling out of what seemed like a closet. I felt like I had just woken up from sleeping on a Sunday, tired and afraid. My body ached even though it was lying on its own stomach on the ground. Ground. I was definitely lying in the dirt right now. Before I even had time to react I heard a voice.


It was a male's voice, and the voice was raspy, like someone talking with smoke in their lungs. I stood up and saw the source of the voice standing a few feet away. The man was about 6", maybe taller. He looked like he was in good shape, his face had a small beard growing and his clothes were very unique. He wore a black top with a red jacket on top of it. The art on the top was of fire. His hands were covered by black gloves, he wore baggy, black jeans and his shoes were black and red sneakers, His hair was covered by a hard hat with safety goggles fastened on top of it.

"Can you hear me?" The strange man called out.


"Good, anyway... what's your name?"

"My name? Oh, it's Tyler, Tyler Farver." I replied.

"Oh good, with how you were acting I would've thought you had forgotten it," He continued, "anyway my name is Dane Thunban. I'm the Ultimate Pyromaniac."

"Ultimate?" I said confused.

The phrase was foreign to me, yet it seemed familiar. It was like forgetting a fond childhood memory or something in class.

"What do you mean?" Dane replied, "don't tell me there's another one who doesn't remember their talent."

"Another one?" Tyler said, "there are more people?"

"Yes but before that," Dane took a pause, "you need to remember your talent."

I drew a blank. I thought about past memories but couldn't think of anything. But then like a bolt of lightning it hit me. It was a very strange feeling like the memory never existed but on the other hand, it felt like it was always with me.

"Ah, yes," I continued. "I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."

"Huh? You are also lucky?" Dane replied in confusion.

"Ah anyway, you're talking like there are others here." I said, "also, can you please explain everything, there's a lot I still don't understand.

"Oh yeah, you must be so confused," Dane said with a chuckle, "basically, I woke up in a locker just like you, there were others, of course, others with Ultimate Talents. It seems we are trapped, trapped in a school."

"Trapped!?" I said, "what do you mean?"

"I don't actually know, to be honest." Dane said with a sigh, "but we should go to the gymnasium, I need to introduce you to the others."

I felt confused, scared and tired but for some strange reason, I agreed, knowing that he didn't look too trustworthy. Though considering how weird his situation was, it was probably best to trust others.

On the way to the gymnasium, I thought it was getting awkward and I wanted to bring up a subject.

"Umm, Dane." I continued, "what's with your talent, y'know being the Ultimate Pyromaniac and whatnot."

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