Finn Shelby [1]

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Kezia's POV -

"You know what Finn, just fuck off" I snap at the youngest Shelby before turning and hastily walking back down the alley and into the main street.

Finn and I have been together for a year and a half to be precise and at first everything was excellent, close to perfect even. But recently things have started to go steadily down hill.

Today I caught Finn kissing that bitch Elizabeth from the flower shop.

Flashback -

I wonder leisurely down the street, on my way back from visiting my mother who I haven't seen for a while.

As I pass by the bakery I hear giggling from just down the alley. Now normally I'd never go and investigate something like this as it's usually some type of whore doing a job in daylight but this time it's almost as if something is luring me down the alley like it wants me to find out what's going on.

Cautiously I make my way quietly down the alley as not to startle anyone who may be at the end.

As I round the slight corner at the end of it I find my Finn shoving his tongue down the flower shop girls throat.

Gasping I stumble back from the scene. Clumsily kicking back an empty can on the floor startling the pair from their embrace.

End of flashback -

I hear footsteps running after me but ignore them knowing full well it's Finn coming after me to try and beg his way to forgiveness.

"Kezia! Please wait!" He calls desperately after me but I don't stop. Marching my way towards the Garrison I shove my way inside and head straight for the bar.

"Ay, Kez I didn't think you were one for day drinking!" Arthur exclaims loudly from beside me.

I glare at him.

"I'm not" I spit out harshly. This seems to sober him up rather a lot as I snap at him. I've never snapped at any of them before so Arthur clearly knows somethings up.

"What's wrong Kez? What's Finn done? Shall I beat him up?" The questions roll quickly and easily from his tongue. I can't help but chuckle at the last one.

"Please" I answer but unfortunately my voice cracks at the end of the word and I feel a tear trickle down my face.

"Ay Kez! What on earth's the matter lass?"

"Finn cheated on me" I whimper out.

"What the fuck?!" I hear a new but familiar voice exclaim from behind me.

"That little bastard" I hear Arthur grumble as I turn to face John and Tommy who have just arrived and obviously heard the end of the conversation.

"Do you know who she was?" John asks carefully, not wanting to upset me further but needing the information.

"That stupid girl from the flower shop. Elizabeth" I whisper numbly.

"I'll be giving her a piece of my mind" Ada pipes up. I hadn't even noticed she was here.

"Yeah and I'll be giving Finn a nice bloody nose" Arthur grunts.

And then, as if on cue the man of the hour comes bursting through the Garrison doors.

"Kezia! I've been looking everywhere for you" he gasps as he comes to a stop in front of myself, his sister and his brothers.

"Fuck off Finn" John snaps at his younger sibling as he notices my discomfort at Finn being so close after what he's done.

"Listen to me, Kez. She forced herself on me. I couldn't stop her. I swear to god-"

"You can't swear to someone you don't believe in you twat!" Arthur interjects.

"I don't care Finn. You obviously wanted it because you didn't push her away. I saw you, Finn. You're a liar. You know what Finn, just fuck off" I snap before pushing him out the way and leaving the pub.

Storming down the street back to the Shelby household just to grab my things and say a goodbye to Pol as I won't be staying here any longer.

"Kezia! How was your- bloody hell child, what on earth's happened?" Polly gasps as I burst through the door with tear stained cheeks and dishevelled clothing.

"Finn cheated on me with the flower shop bitch, I'm sorry Polly but I'm moving in with my mother. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you and your family although maybe not Finn right now though" I finish in a whisper.

Polly moves forward and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry dear. Finn's a bastard for doing this and I know he'll regret it but if you need time out for a little while then I don't blame you. Being with this family is tough" Polly sympathizes.

"If you need anything, our door is always open" Polly smiles softly as I break away and pop upstairs to grab my things.

As I enter mine and Finn's room my eyes catch sight of the only photograph in the room. It's a photo of me and Finn. Smiling and happy. Although I'm sure if you took one now the smiles would be fake and there would be a glimmer of tears on both of our faces.

After all, nothing stays perfect forever.

A/N - okay so I apologise for this one being quite rushed and the majority of it being shit but I didn't know what to write for Finn as I haven't got any ideas flowing for him yet but I wanted to do his character.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading!

Remember : please request!!


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