Bonnie Gold [1]

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Orlagh's POV -

I sit beside the river which runs alongside our camp and stare out across the fast flowing water. I've been waiting almost all day now for Bonnie and the Blinders to arrive with a cousin of the Shelby's.

Although I haven't been told much I know that the boy who's on his way is of some Gypsy blood and will be under our protection until further notice. I have also heard that he was raised by an upper class family in the countryside so will have little knowledge of the gypsy life.

I look forward to introducing him to eating hedgehog.

"Orlagh, they've arrived!" I hear Esmeralda, Bonnie's sister call for me from somewhere amongst the caravans and horses.

I stretch and take my time to rise to my feet, dusting my dress down before wandering towards the new voices.

As I round the corner of a caravan, a smallish group of people come into view, the only familiar men being the ones from our family.

I glance around the group in search of a particular tall, dark haired gypsy and find him smirking at another man, not much older than himself who looks largely out of place in the group of gypsy men.

"Oi, Goldie!" I call out using the nickname he hates to catch his attention.

I watch as he glances around in surprise looking for the offender before his gaze lands on me causing a large grin to split across his face.

His smile is contagious because I feel it on my own lips as I make my way over to him.

Bonnie slings his arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his side, kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you" I whisper into his chest, taking in his familiar scent of wood smoke.

"Not as much as I missed you" he murmurs back. The two of us have been separated for almost two weeks but to me it feels like much longer.

"Who's that?" The posh looking man from earlier interrupts pointing at me.

Bonnie narrows his eyes slightly and I feel him tense at the man's abrupt tone. 

"Orlagh Doherty, my girlfriend" Bonnie introduces me. I offer a small smile but decide not to speak.

"Michael Gray, or Shelby if you prefer"  the man introduces himself.

"Pleasure to meet you, Michael. I hope you like hedgehog" I respond lightly.

Bonnie chuckles beside me before Esmeralda appears to show Michael to his caravan. The other men disperse leaving Bonnie and I alone.

The two of us join hands and walk further into the camp in silence. Before we reach the large bonfire which it situated in the middle of the caravans Bonnie moves his hands to my waist and walks us back a few steps until I'm pressed against a caravan.

"I really missed you, Orlagh" Bonnie murmurs, pressing his forehead to mine and staring into my eyes.

"I missed you too, Bonnie. I kept thinking you wouldn't come back, that you'd ditch us for those fucking blinders" I respond.

He shakes his head in reply.

"I'd never leave you. Or this family, not for anyone. Especially those fucking blinders" Bonnie replies softly.

His response causes a smile to play across my lips as I hold his gaze with mine.

"I love you" I smile up at him.

"I love you more" Bonnie smirks before pressing his lips to mine.

It doesn't take long for the kiss to heat up and escalate with the pair of us stumbling inside our caravan, our lips never parting as we engage in a passionate embrace.

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