Tommy Shelby [2]

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Tommy's POV -

I stand in front of the burning caravan. Not feeling anything other than numb.

It's happened again. First it was Grace and now it's her. Love truly is cruel.

Arthur comes to stand beside me, silently watching the caravan burn with my dead wife inside it.

As I glance to the side I see tears slip out of his eyes and down his cheeks.

I'm not the only one who is deeply scarred by her death. She was like a sister to my brothers being especially close to Arthur I know this will affect him more than most.

I slowly reach out to him, gently setting my hand upon his shoulder being careful not to startle him in his grief stricken state.

"I can't believe she's gone. I'm so so sorry Tommy" Arthur blubbers as he turns to face me.

I shake my head.

"I'm sorry too Arthur. I'll tell you now that I'm in so much pain I've actually gone numb. I doubt I'll ever be able to feel again" I tell him truthfully.

Then we're hugging. I haven't hugged any of my brothers since we were young children and even then I'd try to avoid it but now it's the only way we can comfort each other.

After a while we pull away and glance at the caravan. Soon I'm unable to watch anymore and turn away.

"I'll see you at the Garrison, Arthur" I tell my brother before stumbling off towards the pub.

I shove open the doors and head straight for the back room barely noticing that the bar is empty besides Harry who'd probably told everyone to go home as it's Leonora's funeral today.

I light my cigarette and slip it between my lips taking a long drag before leaning my head back against the booth.

The hatch opens and Harry slides a bottle through.

"My deepest condolences, Mr Shelby" he smiles sadly before closing the hatch once more.

I grab the bottle, ripping the cap off I down half the bottle in one go before slamming in on the table.

Suddenly I feel an overpowering sense of anger. Reaching forwards I grasp the bottle before throwing it with all my strength at the nearest wall.

Then as if a switch has been flipped I stand on my feet and trash the room.

Once I'm down I storm out of the back room, panting heavily. Halfway out I run into the rest of my family who've come for the wake but I ignore them and continue past.

"Oi Tommy!" John calls after me most likely wanting to comfort me but I ignore him.

"Leave him, John. He needs to be alone" I hear Esme tell him gently which causes me to growl to myself as it reminds me of Leonora.


"Oi! Arthur!" I call out to my eldest brother as he storms past, his knuckles bloody and shoulders hunched with tension.

He ignores me and carries on down the street, most likely to the Garrison.

"Leave him, Tommy. He needs time to settle. He'll tell us what happened when he's calm" my wife Leonora assures me while wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

-End of Flashback-

I clench my fists tightly as the flashback finishes and for a moment I feel like she's here with me. I can smell her perfume and feel her presence but I know she's not actually here.

I make my way down to the stables and bring out the first horse I come to,  a large, dark bay Thoroughbred stallion and vault onto his back.

I don't know how long I'm out for as I ride to Leonora's favourite places. The ones we used to ride out to when she was still alive.

Finally as I'm thinking of turning and heading for home now I have a slightly clearer head I realise theres one place I have left to visit.

"What brings you here at this time, Tommy?" Johnny Dogs's jolly voice rings out as I approach the gypsy camp.

"Leonora is dead" I state.

Johnny's eyes widen as his words catch in his throat. Leonora had been Johnny's adopted daughter and due to her death being completely unexpected and fast the Lee family and Johnny had yet to be informed.

"You fucking what" Johnny exclaims.

"What do you mean she's dead?!" He shouts at me. I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again.

By now the Lee's had started to appear from their various activities and had come to stand close to Johnny.

"What's happened, Johnny?" His wife, Queenie questions, thoroughly confused by my random appearance and her husband's distress.

"Leonora is dead and this bastard has only now told us!" Johnny shouts. Queenie's eyes widen as she stumbles back, spinning to face me.

"W-when's her funeral?" She stutters out, eyes darting everywhere but me as she tries to comprehend the news.

"It was today. She was killed last night,  we had no idea it was coming. No one had threatened us and we thought it best to get the funeral over quickly. I fully intended to inform you and have the funeral next week but Pol insisted on having it as soon as" I confess.

It's true. I had begged Pol to let us wait so Leonora's family could be there but Pol had thought it would be safer to get the funeral done with quickly before outsiders started to ask questions about why she died.

"You bastard" Queenie spits at me before storming back towards the caravans as one of the Lee girls runs after her.

"She'll never forgive you for this" Johnny speaks lowly.

"I shall never forgive myself either" I reply before beginning to turn my horse.

"Tommy" Johnny calls out.

I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to continue.

"When you find the bastard who did this make sure you tell me. I want to be there when you rip him apart" Johnny tells me. I nod.

"You'll be the first to know" and then I ride away into the darkness back towards small heath.

Okay so once again the idea I had planned in my head didn't quite come out as I planned.

Either way I hope you liked this one even if it was actually a load of shit.

Also I hope it made sense. If not please leave a comment and I'll explain.

And before anyone asks Queenie is a popular gypsy name, normally used as a nickname for anyone called 'Regina' but has also become popular as a name on its own.

As always, please request!

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