Finn Shelby [4]

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A/N - this imagine is based off of one I read on Tumblr (By : A Respectable Neighbourhood, Title : Finn Shelby Punch up fic) all credit for parts of the plot goes to them!

Y/N's POV -

"Let go of me Tommy or I swear you'll be the next person I punch" I shout as I struggle in his arms.

Tommy grunts as I land a sharp jab to his ribcage with my elbow.

"I said, let go!" I demand again but Tommy ignores me and continues to drag me from the pub.

Once we get outside he releases me, I rotate on my heels and attempt to shove past him back into the pub. That nasty bitch in there better watch out.

Tommy swiftly blocks me and grasps my arms gently, locking his gaze with mine to make sure I'm listening to him.

"You are not going back in that pub until you've calmed the fuck down" his voice is calm and low.

"I fucking am. You can't expect me to just let her get away with calling me a fucking pikey and let her slate my family like that" I cry.

"I know, Y/N. But I can't just let you go in there and beat her shitless, now stay out here and I'll get you once that bloody girl has calmed the fuck down"  

Tommy releases my arms and retreats inside the pub. I huff slightly and sit down on the curb.

After a couple of minutes the door opens, I assume it's Tommy so don't bother to look up but when I feel the person sit down next to me I know it's not Tommy.

"You alright, Y/N?" Finn's voice sounds from beside me.

"No" I reply bluntly.

"If it were me in charge and not Tommy then I would've let you beat the shit out of her even though I don't approve of hitting women" Finn chuckles in response.

I glance at him and admire his features. Finn really is a handsome lad.

"Thanks, do you think I can go back in now?" I question him. Finn shakes his head.

"Nah she's still in there, best not". I nod in a silent reply before looking up at the stars.

"Do you want to go on a walk, Finn?" I question him after a moment. When I receive no reply I glance to the side and find him looking at me in confusion.

"A walk? Why?" He replies. I roll my eyes and stand, holding out my hand for him to take.

"Because I want to. I doubt they'll ever let me back in the pub anyway" I shrug. Finn grins at this and grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him up.

The two of us set off down the street and it's only once we've reached the end of it do I realise that we are still holding hands.

I smile silently to myself as we continue walking, not knowing that Finn's doing the same.

We walk for what seems like miles and find ourselves down by the canal. The moon's out and shining brighter than I think I've ever seen it in Birmingham.

Again I feel Finn's eyes on me as I watch the moon. I'm reluctant to look away from it in fear that the movement will cause Finn to take his gaze elsewhere.

"Y/N. I have to tell you something, something I've wanted to tell you for a while but somehow have never been able to find the words to express it"

This time I do move my gaze from the moon and to Finn's handsome face.

"What is it, Finn?" I question him curiously. I dare not let myself hope that he's going to admit his love for me as that would be a foolish thing to assume.

"Y/N. I'm in love with you. Not just you but everything about you. Your laugh, your smile - fuck this is getting cheesy but god Y/N am I in love with you"

Well fuck.

My jaw hangs open as I stare at the young Shelby in shock. He had literally just admitted what I'd always dreamed he would.

"Finn.. I love you too. More than anything" my voice is barely a whisper as I look up into his eyes. Finn's face splits into a large grin as he absorbs my words.

"Well then, Y/N, you won't object if I kiss you, will you?" He questions me, I hadn't noticed but as he's been speaking he's stepped closer to me and now our lips are only centimetres apart.

"No. I won't object" I whisper against his lips. This is all the encouragement Finn needs as his lips crash to mine.

The kiss is gentle, passionate and quite frankly, perfect. The two of us remain in the same spot kissing for a while before a lack of oxygen forces us apart.

"I love you" Finn gasps out before bringing me into his chest.

"I love you too" I whisper back.

Requested by : KatiePatterson6

Okay so I wasn't entirely sure how to end this but I hope everyone enjoyed it!

I will hopefully be writing some slightly more angsty ones soon as I feel I'm being too happy with most of the imagines so far 😂

Please request!


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