John Shelby [2]

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Harriett's POV -

I stumble back from the scene before me. Blood gushing from the large cut across my forehead. I look around for my sister and spot her standing against the wall wiping blood from her nose.

"Come on, let's get out of here Al, the cops will be here soon" she nods in response and the pair of us take off up the street in the direction of our home.

After a couple of minutes the pair of us stumble covered in blood through the front door of our home.

"What the fuck have you two been up to?!" Our step mother, Esme, exclaims as she comes into the kitchen.

I glance at Alexandria and notice that her eyes are still bloodshot and pupils still large. Fuck. There's no hiding that we're both high and have been fighting.

"Well?" Esme demands, standing beside the counter with a hand on her hip.

"Uh um well" Alex stutters out unable to form a coherent sentence.

"We were walking" I speak up. My speech slurring slightly.

Esme nods.

"Walking, huh? And that's why you're both off your faces high and covered in blood" Esme muses.

We both nod.

"I'm calling your father" Esme grumbles I response. She then disappears for a few moments while she calls our father before reappearing and sitting us both down.

"Drink this" she turns to us handing each of us glasses of water before gathering cloths and some warm water.

- Time Skip -

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Father exclaims as he comes striding in through the door.

"Fuck" I hiss just as Esme finishes the last stitch on my forehead.

"They called us Pikey's" I state calmly now down from my previous high.

"You can't beat the shit out of someone for calling you a Pikey!" Father exclaims.

"We can and we did" I snap back.

Father sighs and pulls out a chair. Sitting down he puts his face in his hands. I glance up to see Esme walk into the room.

"I'm going to put Alex to bed. She's fucked" she states. Neither father or I answer her so she quietly continues to help Alex out of the room and up the stairs.

"Why did you do this, Harri? Now of all times. You know about all the shit that's kicking off with us, this is just going to make it a hundred times worse" Father speaks up after a moment.

"I know. I don't know what I was doing. It was Alex's idea to get high but the fighting was mainly my fault. I just got so angry when they called us that I couldn't control myself" I confess. Father remains silent for a moment before nodding.

"Alright. This one time I'll have to let it go because it's already happened. But if the two of you ever do something like this again then there will be serious consequences"

I nod in confirmation that I've heard and understood.

"Alright. That's fair enough. I'm should go to bed. I'm sorry father, I love you"

"I love you too Harri. Now get to bed and remember to drink plenty of water" he adds with a grin.

Requested by : daynaa5xreynolds

Hope you enjoyed this! I'm sorry it's so short and the ending isn't quite as good as I was hoping it to be.


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