Tommy Shelby [5]

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Tommy's POV -

"Why the fuck would you do that, Tommy? Are you fucking stupid?" Amy shouts at me from across the room. I narrow my eyes slightly at her and clench my jaw tightly.

"I did what I had to do, the Italians wanted Danny gone. If I hadn't killed him then they would have" I point out.

She huffs and throws up her hands in frustration.

"Yes and now Danny's dead, another innocent man is dead, good one Tommy" she spits and turns her back to me so she can look out the kitchen window.

I sigh quietly and rub my hand over my eyes, I haven't had a chance to explain to her that Danny isn't actually dead. Ada decided to run her mouth and now Amy's angry at me for something I haven't actually done.

"Amy, listen to me" I begin but she growls slightly under her breath and turns back to face me, leaning back on the counter slightly.

"What? What pathetic excuse are you going to use this time?" She questions me with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't get a chance to explain to you before Ada ran her mouth-"

"Don't turn this on Ada! Look at you, you can't even admit your own stupid actions! You're pathetic, Tommy" she cuts me off sharply with a look of disgust painted across her features.

"Amy, will you just shut up for one fucking minute and let me fucking speak?" I hiss at her.

She narrows her eyes in response but remains silent, waiting for me to fight my corner.

"As I was saying, I didn't actually shoot Danny. Yes the Italians want him dead but I know as well as you do that he's an innocent man so, I made a plan to stow Danny away on the next boat to London and pretended to shoot him using sheep brains so they believed he was dead" I explain to her.

She nods slowly, I can see the explanation turning cogs in her mind as she's tries to comprehend the information.

"That makes sense, I suppose" she continues.

"However, you killing innocent people to settle your scores isn't the way Tommy. Never has been, never will be" she tells me sternly.

I nod.

"I know, Amy but sometimes it's the only way" I murmur the last part.

"No it's not, Tommy. How can you honestly say that? There are other ways of sorting things!" She exclaims in disbelief. I roll my eyes in response.

"No, there aren't. Not in this business anyway" I respond lowly.

"You really are an idiot Tommy, I don't know why I'm still with you" she shoots back.

I wince slightly at her tone.

"Is it wrong to assume that you're still with me because you love me?" I question her, eyeing her reaction carefully.

Her shoulders tense slightly and her expression becomes guarded as if she's worried I'll reveal one of her darkest secrets.

"No, Tommy. It's not wrong because I do love you. Or I did, I don't know if I still can anymore" she whispers. My expression hardens at this, what does she mean she doesn't know if she loves me?

Amy's POV -

I watch as Tommy's expression hardens. Shit. He won't be happy now.

"Tommy?" I question him warily after he doesn't speak.

He still doesn't reply and now I know I've fucked everything up.

"For fuck sake, Tommy say something!" I huff in agitation.

He glances up at me and I can see the tears in his eyes. My own eyes widen at the sight and I bite back a gasp. I've never seen Tommy cry before so now I've really done it.

"Tommy?" I question gently taking a slow step towards him. He drops his head and turns away from me slightly as if he's trying to hide his emotions away again.

"Please don't turn away, Tommy. I want to help you" I plead with him which causes a bitter laugh to escape from his throat.

"You just said you didn't think you loved me anymore and now you want to help me? Sorry, love I don't think so" he answers shortly but I can hear the catch in his throat.

"Please, Tommy. Please let me help you" I murmur again this time I walk forwards until I'm standing behind him.

I gently reach up and place a hand cautiously on his shoulder, being careful to watch his body language.

"Why? Why don't you love me anymore?"

"I do love you, the old you. I don't love the man you are now Tommy because the man I fell in love with didn't kill innocent men. But I never said I wouldn't be able to love you, you just have to give it time" I reply gently.

"Do you think you could ever love me the way I am now?" He asks me in an almost childlike manner, his eyes desperately searching mine.

"Yes. I could love you but you have to give me time, Tommy" I reply quietly.

He says nothing but instead leans down and presses his lips to mine gently. He doesn't try to deepen the kiss incase I pull away, knowing that I'm still cautious of him.

"I love you, but when you're ready" he whispers against my lips as he pulls away.

Requested by @AmyWalker665

Hopefully this is alright and I'm sorry if it's slightly shorter than you were expecting!

As always, please request!


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