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Hey everyone, sorry I have not been active at all for a very long time. I was incredibly busy with things so didn't have time for Wattpad.

As for requests which I received before my little hiatus and during it, I honestly can't remember which ones I've written and which I haven't so if you sent me a request and if hasn't been done please do send it again if you would still like it!!

I'd just like to lay down some NEW RULES for requesting an imagine with me in this book, if they are not followed then I will be unable to write your request, I'm sorry.

1. Please state CLEARLY the type of request you want i.e. sad, happy etc.

2. Please CLEARLY state the plot you'd like i.e. 'a fight scene w happy ending'. In the past I have received very vague or confusing requests where I've had next to no idea on what I was supposed to be writing so I struggled a lot and it took forever!

3. Please state whether or not your character is an OC (give me their name, hair colour etc) or if you'd like me to make up a character or just put Y/N

4. Please name the PB character you'd like it to be about.

5. I DO NOT write smut. Sorry for those that would like me to, I can however imply it as I have done in a couple of my imagines.

NOTE: if you'd like to request a pregnancy imagine then I will write it however, you really need to make it clear what you want as I struggle with writing pregnancy ones (I always blank when I write them and really struggle because they don't inspire me at all, whoops!)

Peaky Blinders ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now