Isaiah Jesus [2]

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Isaiah's POV -

Y/N is pregnant. I can't help this overwhelming feeling of happiness that fills my veins or the smile that refuses to leave my face.

And apparently my boss seems to think I've gone mad as I barely ever smile.

"Are you sure you're alright, Isaiah?" Tommy questions for what seems to be the hundredth time today.

"Yes. I'm more than fine, I'm excellent!" I gush before catching myself and not allowing the news to slip too early.

Y/N and I have known for a couple of days now and have planned to inform our families individually. Mine already know but we still have her family - the Shelby's- left to go.

"You're never this happy. What an earth's gotten into you" John comments as I leave Tommy's office.

I just shrug and continue walking. I promised Y/N I'd wait for her to get here before saying anything.

I feel John's eyes on me as I move away and here Tommy's voice come from beside his brother.

"I will find out what that boys hiding"

I smirk to myself and light a cigarette before leaning against the wall and taking a drag while I wait for Y/N.

- Time Skip -

Y/N's POV -

I make my way towards my brothers offices. Isaiah said he'd be waiting for me outside, hopefully he hasn't let our news slip to my family yet.

As I push the door to the building open and make my way inside I find Isaiah waiting for me.

"They're going to hate me" I state while stopping in front of him. Isaiah sends a sympathetic glance my way before speaking up.

"If they hate you for this then they're a pretty shit family, no offence Y/N" he chuckles. I smile slightly but it doesn't stop my heart from pounding or my palms from growing clammy.

"Lets get this over with" I mutter as we join hands and head further into the building to look for my brothers.

Apparently we don't have to look far because almost immediately we run into Tommy. As if he's been lurking around waiting for us to turn up which knowing him, he probably has been.

"Y/N! How are you?" Tommy greets me with a warm smile. Tommy and I have always been close, besides Grace and Charles I'm the only person he's smiled at properly since the war.

"I'm very well thanks, Tommy. Can we speak to you for a moment?" I question him while taking a quick glance around to make sure none of the others were there. I'd rather tell Tommy first and on his own before the rest.

Tommy nods and motions for us to follow him into his office.

"What's wrong,Y/N?" Tommy questions as we take the spare seats in his office while he folds his hands together in front of him.

"Uh well Isaiah and I have something to tell you. Well, everyone really but I wanted to tell you first" I begin nervously.

"Go on" Tommy presses while his face holds an expression of what could be considered as amusement.

"I'm pregnant" I blurt out before dropping my gaze to the table and clenching my hands into fists,digging my nails into my palms.

'Please don't kill me'

"I'm not going to kill you, Y/N or Isaiah" Tommy chuckles. My head snaps up and I state at him wide eyed.

"Shit, I did not mean to say that out loud" I curse quietly.

"I had a feeling this is what you would tell me. Isaiah has been acting odd for a few days now, and I know for a fact that there aren't many things that can make a peaky man that happy" Tommy continues while regarding us both.

"Can you help us tell the others? I'm scared of what they'll think" I whisper shakily. My families opinion means everything to me but so does this child, if they don't approve then I have no idea what I'll do.

"Of course, shall I call a family meeting?" I nod in response.

Tommy rises from his chair and makes his way out the door shouting something before coming back in.

"Lets go, the others will meet us at home in ten minutes"

The three of us make our way back to Watery Lane and take our places while waiting for the others to arrive. Precisely ten minutes later the rest of our family arrives.

"Alright everyone, settle down!" Tommy calls out.

"What's this meeting for, Tommy?" Arthur questions while narrowing his eyes at Isaiah and I.

"Isaiah and Y/N have something to tell you" Tommy announces. Everyone stares at us expectantly.

"Uh, I'm pregnant" I stumble over my words slightly due to the intense stares I'm receiving. Nobody moves or speaks.


This was such a terrible idea.

Then John leaps from his chair and lunges at me hauling me up from the chair and crushing me in a hug.

"Careful John, didn't you just hear what she said? You idiot boy!" Polly scolds as she too stands.

"Sorry Pol!" John exclaims cheekily before moving aside to shake Isaiah's hand.

Polly hugs me next telling me she'll be there every step of the way, Ada and Esme agreeing. Then I'm quickly passed around the family, hug to hug before we all head off to the Garrison to celebrate the news of a new Shelby.

Requested by : caits051999

Hopefully everyone enjoyed this!

Thank you to everyone who's reading/voting/commenting and especially requesting!

Please request! I really enjoy writing them!

Love to all, 


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