Tommy Shelby [6]

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Y/N's POV -

"Fuck off, I'll have you know that the last person to take me on in a drinking contest ended up in hospital with alcohol poisoning" I proudly state to Arthur who was previously boasting about his drinking talents.

"All the more reason to see who's the better drinker out of the two of us!" Arthur jeers. A chuckle escapes my lips as I roll my eyes at the man with the moustache in front of me.

"Okay then, if you're sure.." I trail off to give him the chance to back out but Arthur shakes his head.

"Of course I'm bloody sure! Harry, get a round in will ya" Arthur calls over to the bar tender who nods obediently and brings the drinks over.

"Oh for fuck sake" Polly huffs as she appears from the side room and quickly gathers the jist of what's going on.

"Tommy, John get out here and control your brother before he kills your new blinder" she calls back into the room before making her way to the bar.

"3, 2, 1 go!" Finn starts his stop watch as Arthur and I begin downing pints of beer as fast as possible.

"Fucking go on,Y/N!" John whoops as he jumps up onto a bar stool and completely disobeys aunts orders to stop us.

"John! Tommy? Stop them" Polly demands him as he stands and watches us with a smirk on his lips as I beat his brother.

Once again Polly huffs and throws up her hands in frustration as she realises that no one will be stopping us.

Tommy's POV -

I can't help but stare as I watch Y/N interacting with my brothers. She truly is beautiful.

"You should talk to her instead of lurking and staring at her from afar" Polly advises from beside me as she puffs on a cigarette, glass of red in hand.

"If only it was that easy" I murmur without taking my eyes off the girl across the bar.

Polly scoffs.

"I thought I was sitting next to the great Thomas Shelby who can get whatever he wants, whenever he wants?" She continues while swirling the dark red liquid round her glass.

I sigh and rub my hand over my face. Aunt Pols right.

"Alright, fine" I huff before knocking back the remains of my whiskey and rising from my seat.

"Come on, Y/N. I'll walk you home" I announce as I move towards her and Arthur.

She pouts slightly but nods her head in agreement. I know she doesn't need me to walk her home, she's a blinder for god sake but it doesn't stop me wanting to.

"Alright, night you lot" she chimes and the two of us exit the pub into the cool night air.

Y/N's POV -

I really don't need Tommy to walk me home but when he asked I just couldn't make myself refuse.

There's something about him that draws me in and I won't lie when I say I've gained some feelings for Tommy over the past few months I've known him.

Of course now he's been through the war I doubt Tommy even remembers what love is. Not that this is love, not yet anyway.

I sigh quietly to myself and continue to walk along beside Tommy in a comfortable silence.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" Tommy speaks up. His voice jolts me out of my trance and I look up at him as we walk.

"Of course you can" I encourage him curiously.

"Have you ever been in love?" He questions me. I halt suddenly and stare at him wide eyed.

"Uh um well not exactly. I thought I was but then it appeared that I'd thought wrong" I answer warily.

"Have you?" I reply boldly not knowing where this confidence to approach such a topic with him has come from.

"No" he replies quietly.

"Oh, that's a shame" I murmur.

"And why is that? Surely I cannot feel a longing for something I have never felt?" He questions me.

"Because every one deserves love, Tommy. At least at some point in their lives, regardless of what they've done" I tell him sincerely.

Tommy swallows hard and flickers his eyes up towards the sky.

"How could someone ever love a man like me?" He questions the stars.

"Thomas Shelby, you're a wonderful man despite all the horrid things you've done. At the end of the day, you've done them for your family and your country which proves that you are a man worth loving" I chastise him gently.

Tommy may have done some awful things but he's done them all for the good of his family to allow them to lead better lives.

Tommy turns to me and I can see the sadness in his eyes. He truly believes that no one can love him.

"I could love you, Thomas Shelby" I find myself whispering.

His eyes widen momentarily as his jaw drops slightly in shock as if he can't comprehend what he's hearing.

"Do you think you could love me?" I question him as I turn my face up to look at the stars.

Unbeknownst to me, Tommy nods his head.

"Yes. Yes I could, I can" he corrects himself quickly. Slowly I turn back to face him offering him a gentle smile.

Tommy's POV -

I haven't felt love before. I thought I was in love when I was fifteen years old but it turned out to be just a schoolboy crush.

But now I believe I am beginning to feel what love is like.

Over the past few months I've known Y/N I've been feeling it. At first it was the same feelings I felt as a fifteen year old but now they've grown into something more.

It's strange really, for once in my life I feel like I have no control over it. Like a wildfire that's spreading through a woodland, completely unstoppable.

But at the same time, I feel calm. Like a tranquil sea. It's a pleasant feeling which I only receive when I'm around her and as soon as we're apart I suddenly feel desperate and an overwhelming sense of panic washes over me.

Right now I'm basking in the pleasant, tranquil feeling and I know it's because she is right here with me.

And that is how I know I can love her.

"Do you think you could love me?" She questions me quietly. So quietly in fact that I almost don't hear her.

I stare at her in amazement, of course I can love her.

"Yes. Yes I could, I can" I answer quickly, stumbling over my words slightly.

"I can love you and I will" I continue earnestly.

And then she smiles. A beautiful, happy smile which will remain ingrained in my mind for the rest of my life.

Requested by : xGoldenAmelx

Firstly I hope you enjoyed it even if I did stray slightly away from the plot (sorry!)

And secondly I'm sorry if some of this didn't make sense I'm shattered!

As always, please request! I love writing them!

AND, There is absolutely no limit on how many imagines one person requests. You can request as many as you like! :)


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