John Shelby [3]

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Y/N's POV -

"I can't do this, Polly. Not without him here" I whimper as she embraces me.

I hear her sigh quietly as she pulls back and looks me in the eye with a stern expression on her face.

"Yes you can, Y/N. You're one of if not the strongest woman I know. And if I'm honest with you, John wouldn't be much help if he was here in fact with the amount of fuss he'd make you'd think he was the pregnant one, not you" she chuckles before taking a drag of her cigarette.

This causes a light smile to push it's way across my lips as I think of John and his fussing.

"I guess you're right, I'm just scared and I wish he was here instead of over there fighting for his life" my voice cracks slightly at the end as I allow my thoughts to stray to the unpleasant reality that John may not come home and may never meet or even know about his next child.

Polly gives me that famous look of hers once again telling me not to think so bloody negatively all the time.

She's right, I can do this and I will do it. And when John comes home he'll have another beautiful child to come home too and everything will have been worth it in the end.

And with that thought, Polly and I settle in for the afternoon with a nice cup of sweet tea.

- Time skip, 4 years and 1 month later -

It's happening. John's coming home, he sent me a letter late last week just after we found out that the war was won.

"Ma, what's that?" Lorna, the newest addition to the Shelby family questions me as she tries to tug the letter from my hands.

"It's a letter from your dad, love. He's coming home, you'll get to meet him very soon" I smile at her and gently lift her up to sit on my lap.

"Dad?" She questions, the word feeling foreign to her just as I imagine it would do. So far she's grown up without him so it may take a while for her to get used to.

"Y/N? Get your coat, the train's arriving earlier than expected they should be here this afternoon!" Polly comes barreling into the kitchen through the door which separates the house from the betting shop.

I whip around so fast I almost give myself whiplash. Upon seeing the look on Polly's face I know she's not winding me up. Quickly I set Lorna down and rise, grabbing my coat and pulling it on quickly before grasping Lorna's and helping her tiny frame into it.

"Ready, love?" Polly smiles at me as we step out the front door. I reply with a tight lipped smile due to my nervousness but nod all the same.

"You'll be better once you've seen John, trust me" she assures me with a soft smile.

The two of us and the children make our way leisurely towards the train station, as we near it I can already see a steady stream of people slowly growing into a large crowd. Most of them being daughters, girlfriends, mothers and wives of the men who've been at war.

It's a wonder how I'll ever find my John in all this chaos of happy tears and loving kisses but somehow I do.

It's almost laughable how easy it was to spot him, cap tilted on his head, tooth pick hanging lazily in the corner of his mouth. He looks almost exactly the same as he did the day he left, calm, cheery and devilishly handsome.

My eyes light up at the sight of him as I rise slightly up onto my tiptoes and crane my neck as to not lose sight of him.

"Y/N, go to him. I've got Lorna and the others" Polly grins at me as she watches my desperate attempt to see John.

I throw her a grateful smile before dashing through the crowd, practically shoving people out of the way as I run towards John.

"Oi! Shelby!" I shout at him as I near, his brothers also turn at my voice and grins plaster across their lips as I reach them.

I waste no time in throwing myself at John who appears to be completely ready to catch me as he wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you, so fucking much" I cry out. He doesn't respond but only hugs me tighter and I know that he's unable to speak due to the overwhelming wave of emotions that are running through him.

As I pull away from John I glance over at Polly and see that Tommy and Arthur have moved over to her and the children which causes me to gasp slightly as I remember Lorna.

"John" The urgent tone in my voice catches his attention instantly.

"You alright, love?" He questions with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

I nod quickly realising that my urgent tone may have given off the wrong signal that I'm distressed.

"I have something to tell you, truthfully I meant to put it in a letter but for some reason I never did and I'm not quite sure why" I begin with a slightly bow of my head.

John tilts my head up to lock eyes with him.

"What is it, Y/N?" He questions again.

"I hope you haven't cheated on me" he continues with a cheeky grin although the look in his eyes tells me that he's genuinely scared that I might say I have been.

I shake my head rapidly.

"Fuck no. John, how could you think that? I would never. Anyway, I was going to tell you that about a month after you'd left I found out that I was pregnant" I begin, keeping my eyes locked with John's.

He swallows hard but maintains the eye contact.

"And?" He presses.

"If you look over my shoulder to Aunt Pol, that little girl next to her, is yours" I inform him with a soft smile.

John looks over my shoulder and spots Lorna. His eyes light up immediately and his eyes drop back to mine.

"Fucking hell, I didn't think this day could get any better" he breaths while I chuckle.

"I love you, John" I whisper.

"And I love you, Y/N" he replies before taking my hand in his.

The pair of us walk back over to the rest of our family and John instantly drops to his knees to introduce himself to our daughter.

She takes to him immediately, just as I hoped she would allowing me to take a step back and admire my family.

The Shelby's, back together at last.

Requested by : xGoldenAmelx hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

As always everyone, please request!


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