Tommy Shelby [4] Part I

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Shona's POV -

"Shona! Get in here and take over from Angeline!" Doctor Ricketts bellows from a few doors down the corridor.

I rise from my desk quickly and jog down the hall to the room peering inside.

My breath catches in my throat as my eyes look with a pair of bright blue ones.

A tall and very handsome male sits on the hospital bed awaiting treatment. His eyes are a very bright but mesmerising blue while his facial structure is the stuff of dreams.

The only thing that ruins this perfect image is the fact his face is splattered with blood along with his jacket, he's also holding a hand to his ribcage and it's now that I notice the blood dripping through his fingers.

"Thomas Shelby. He's got a gunshot wound but is refusing to tell me how he got it. Doctor Ricketts is giving him to you for he thinks I'm incapable" she spits bitterly while thrusting the clipboard into my hands.

"Alright Angeline, now get out" I respond back sharply. She knows better than to start acting up in front of patients.

She huffs and storms out, slamming the door behind her. I sigh and roll my eyes before smiling at the man and introducing myself.

"My name's Shona and it looks like I'll be your nurse from now on" I greet him. Thomas nods, his eyes still locked on me.

"Now Mr Shelby, if you can take that jacket and cap off and tell me how you got that wound I can treat it and let you go" I state.

He remains silent for a few moments but removes his cap and jacket.

"I was robbed" he states. God his voice is heavenly.

My eyes do a quick scan of his tall, well built frame and I instantly know he's lying.

"Your lying" I reply simply. The man clenches his jaw knowing he's been caught.

"You're right, I am lying" he speaks up again.

"You don't have to tell me who it was or why but you have to tell me how or I can't treat you" I reply bluntly. 

His lips seem to flicker slightly almost as if he wants to smirk but isn't allowing himself too. I huff in annoyance, I've had difficult patients before but this one is just infuriating.

"Look Mr Shelby-"

"Tommy. You can call me Tommy"

"With all due respect, Tommy If you don't tell me how you got that gunshot wound I will have to discharge you as this room is needed for other more willing patients. And I'm sure you don't want to die from an infection do you, Tommy?" I snap sharply.

This time Tommy does let a smirk fall onto his lips as his eyes catch mine. Fuck, he's so handsome.

"Alright, alright. I got it into a fight, the bloke fought dirty and pulled out a gun at the last minute" he states.

I narrow my eyes slightly not believing a word that comes out his mouth but slowly nod. Who cares? At least now with some kind of reason I can get him treated and have this room free for others.

"Alright, Tommy take off your shirt so I can sort you out and get rid of you" I sigh.

Once his shirt is gone I move to assess the wound, thankfully the bullet isn't deep so I should be able to get it out relatively easily.

I quickly gather the things I'll need and set to work. While I clean around the wound with alcohol I notice Tommy wincing.

"Seems as I can't give you alcohol to ease the pain perhaps you can use this time to either tell me about the real reason you got this wound or I can make this a lot more painful for you" I speak casually to him as I dig the tweezers in slightly to get under the bullet.

Tommy hisses slightly and huffs in annoyance.

"You're clearly not going to give up and you seem somewhat trustworthy However, nothing I say leaves this  room. Am I understood?" He tells me firmly. I nod.

"Of course. I'm your nurse, no one else so it's no one's business but mine" I reply as I remove the bullet.

"You clearly haven't heard my name before so I'll have to start from the beginning. My name's Thomas Shelby and I'm the leader of a gang called the Peaky-"

"-Fucking blinders. Yeah, I know" I look down and see Tommy regarding me with an utterly confused expression.

"Why did you ask if you know who I am?" He snaps, clearly irritated.

"Because, Thomas. I am a nurse, I need to know how you got the wound. Obviously you got it from some kind of illegal activity but I need to know what so I know the type of wound I'm dealing with and so I know if I'll be likely to see you in here again" I begin.

"And as you were clearly reluctant to tell me I had to play stupid and it was working" I add.

"Smart girl, if you must know there was some trouble with an Italian gang and I got caught in the crossfire. That's over now so I doubt you'll see me for a while, Nurse Shona"

"We'll see, don't count your chickens before they hatch, Thomas Shelby" I warn him as I finish bandaging the wound.

Tommy chuckles to himself as he pulls on his shirt and jacket while I scribble down some notes, avoiding anything relating to his gang activities.

"I can't help but hope we run into each other again, Nurse Shona. I think we'd get on rather well" Tommy states as he makes his way to the door.

"I'm a nurse, Tommy. Not a whore" I reply sternly. The Shelby man chuckles.

"I'm well aware, Nurse Shona. Until we meet again" he tips his cap and slinks out of the hospital.

I can't help but let a small smile creep across my lips at the mere thought of seeing the handsome Tommy again.

Hopefully I don't have to wait too long. 

Requested by : creepypasta359 part II coming very soon!

Hope you enjoyed!

As usual, please request!


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