Chapter 9

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Phone call between Leigheanna and an unknown person

Leigheanna: That's definitely not the number I randomly called last night. Hello. Who's that?

???: Leigheanna, right?

Leigheanna: Who are you? Who gave you my number?

???: I wish I could tell you, but...

Leigheanna: Tell me who the hell gave you my number or else I'm going to denounce you, stalker!

???: Me? A stalker? How dare you?

Leigheanna: You won't repeat those words after being convicted.

???: Okay, I'll tell you. I was playing Random Call. I just took my friend's number and tweaked it a little bit, so that a different one would come. The first attempts failed, as they didn't correspond to any existing number. But, then, here came you.

Leigheanna: You're lying. How come do you know my name?

???: I guess I just guessed randomly.

Leigheanna: Why do you keep lying to me? I don't think you want to spend your next ten years behind bars, so tell me the fucking truth.

???: Which part of I can't tell you don't you understand, idiot? Do you want to see me dead?

Leigheanna: Listen, you're just making me waste a lot of time, so just leave me alone and don't call me ever again, before I turn to the police.

???: Do what you want, Little Miss Sassy. You're just a disrespectful bitch. Hear from you never.

Leigheanna: I'll probably hear you in court when I track you down. And don't you dare call me a bitch again, stupid hoe! Farewell!

Leigheanna hangs up, more than eager to find out who that number belongs to, track down her interlocutor, and denounce her for stalking. She writes on a notebook this number: 702-372-0283.

Leigheanna: I need to track down that number.

Suddenly, though, she receives another call. This time, it's the number she randomly dialled last night.

???: Hello, sweetheart.

Leigheanna: Sweetheart? You're going to make me puke.

???: Oh, I don't even want that to happen!

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