Chapter 17

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While Alaria is running away from that abusive scumbag called Kaitlin, Leigheanna also finds herself running away from her, but also from the person who did nothing to prevent her scheming aunt's plans from actually happening

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While Alaria is running away from that abusive scumbag called Kaitlin, Leigheanna also finds herself running away from her, but also from the person who did nothing to prevent her scheming aunt's plans from actually happening.

She's running away with whom she sees as her only anchor that can drag her to safety. Rowan Killip, a physically unattractive but still magnetic young man, whose persuasive voice led her to leave everything else behind, including her own messed-up family and her friends.

Leigheanna: Where are we headed to?

Rowan: Who knows?

Leigheanna: Well, you should. You're driving, after all.

Rowan: Haha. Very funny.

Leigheanna: You know you can't play the sarcasm card with me again, right?

Rowan: Touché.

All of a sudden, Leigheanna's phone is ringing incessantly. She really hopes it's not her father calling. If he caught her, he'd be able to chase after her and then kill her straight away.

Rowan: Who is it? Your parents?

Leigheanna: Let's see. Oh, I think I'm being lucky. No parents. It's just a friend of mine. But why the hell is Leslie calling? What happened?

Phone call between Leslie and Leigheanna

Leslie: Leighy, it's an emergency!

Leigheanna: Stop panicking! What the hell is going on?

Leslie: Taylor and Alaena want to elope here. In Vegas.

Leigheanna: Please tell me it's a joke!

Leslie: No, it isn't. By the way, this is the good news.

Leigheanna: And the bad one?

Leslie: Uhm... We're broke.

Leigheanna: What?

Leslie: This means that we can't afford the flight back home. Or, at least, not everyone. Aaron, Bailey and Riley may be able to go back home, but I may not.

Leigheanna: Leslie. Get to the point.

Leslie: Okay, I didn't tell the exact truth. It's just me who's broke.

Leigheanna: What the fuck even happened?

Leslie: Let's say I hooked up with a stranger and we made... out.

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