Chapter 19

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Bridie is nervous and doesn't know how to tell Alaria that, if she want to talk to Leigheanna, she has to reach her in Las Vegas

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Bridie is nervous and doesn't know how to tell Alaria that, if she want to talk to Leigheanna, she has to reach her in Las Vegas. She's tucking a strand of her hair and curling it on her finger. She's trembling because she knows that, if she says anything wrong, Alaria won't be likely to talk to her again.

Bridie: I have to call her, before things get worse.

Before she can dial Alaria's number, though, she's caught by surprise as the Devil in person is calling her. Yes, Kaitlin. The woman who made many lives miserable with lies and abuse.

Phone call between Kaitlin and Bridie

Kaitlin: Tell me this is a joke!

Bridie: I don't even know what are you talking about, Kaitlin. Also, you're disturbing me. Stop it!

Kaitlin: Don't talk to me like that!

Bridie: Oh, sorry, Your Majesty. How shall I address you, instead?

Kaitlin: Do I sound like I'm joking? You'd better stop, you insolent brat, otherwise-

Bridie: Otherwise what? You know I can denounce you, Kaitlin. I have all the proof. Yeah, my father works for a security company and had his most loyal co-workers install cameras in all the houses in the area! You're in huge trouble, darling, big time.

Kaitlin: You! You won't get away with what you d-

Bridie: Bye-bye!

Bridie hangs up without letting Kaitlin say anything more. After the dreadful call is over, she gulps as soon as she hears the noise of a car stopping by. As the door opens, it reveals a frantic Alaria sweating incessantly and even going as far as stuttering. Her face is as red as a tomato, and her eyes are wide open.

Alaria: I've looked for Elyce, but...

Bridie: You found nothing. I know, it's hard.

Alaria: Though, she left a note. Here it is.

Alaria hands Bridie a crumpled piece of paper, where the phrase, "I know the truth. Now, it's time to find it. E," is written with a black felt-tip pen. Bridie's eyes widen in shock as she knows that Elyce is nowhere near being willing to approach the rest of the family ever again.

Meanwhile, another car door opens, and Meara is also found to be on the car. Next to her, there's a trembling Ainsleigh, who's crying her eyes out after living her childhood under a cloak of lies.

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