Chapter 10

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Leigheanna is surprised when the girl shoots a glare at her

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Leigheanna is surprised when the girl shoots a glare at her. It doesn't look like they're going to like each other.

Kaitlin: This is my niece, Leigheanna Macias.

???: Oh, the creep that called me a stalker! Great job, Kaitlin! You invited me to dinner just to be insulted by a random bitch!

Leigheanna: So, here you are. Not only did you stalk me on the phone, you also lied to me and called me a disrespectful bitch. I don't want to deal with you ever again in my life, so you can disappear from my sight, or else you'll regret meeting me!

Kaitlin: Leigheanna! Stop it! I won't let you show such a lack of respect towards our guest! Go back to your room!

Leigheanna: At last you made a wise decision! I don't want to see any of you again! Get out of my life! I'm packing!

As Leigheanna rushes back to her room, crying, she overhears the other girl yelling at Kaitlin.

???: See? That's all your fault, Kaitlin! You and your plots! How can you be so calculative? Have you ever considered the fact that I don't even know your fucking niece! I'm done with you. One more plot involving me, and I'll denounce you for good!

Kaitlin: You won't get rid of me so easily, believe me.

???: Then suck my pussy, you double-faced bitch! You messed with the wrong person!

Kaitlin: I'll make you pay for what you said, Bridie Dutra! This is going to be the beginning of hell for you!

Bridie: I'm done here! When I leave, I'll call Leigheanna and apologize to her. But you, you, will pay for what you did, I swear!

Bridie leaves the house slamming the door so furiously that a couple of rare porcelain vases at the entrance break, though she doesn't care.

Bridie: I won't pay her a cent for breaking her stupid vases. They were hideous, anyway! I need to call Leigheanna, by the way... Though, I'm not so sure she'll answer. She's pissed at me, and she's right. What the fuck did I do?

Back in the house, with Leigheanna already in her room, ready to pack her stuff, her cousins are also going back upstairs without even bothering cleaning up, leaving Kaitlin all alone. The evil aunt, however, has no hesitation in having her payback on her niece once again.

Kaitlin: Leigheanna!

However, she doesn't receive any answer, even after repeating her name multiple times. So, she decides to use more forceful manners, rushing upstairs and slamming the door open with a kick.

Kaitlin: Leigheanna Lin Macias! I called you at least twenty times! Go back downstairs and clean up the shit you left in the dining room and the kitchen! You'd better go there flying or else I'll kick your fucking ass!

Leigheanna: I knew you would show your true colors so soon. I'll go and complete this task, but then don't even bother talking to me again. I'm leaving this house, you and your daughters, is it clear?

Kaitlin smashes her niece's face on the door with such a violence that her nose is bleeding. Leigheanna clenches her fists, ready to punch her, but is pushed out of the room, with her aunt throwing her stuff out of the window.

Kaitlin: You're just a whore, and this is what you deserve. Now, get out! You're only a bad influence to my daughters and a disrespectful brat! Go out or else I'll call the cops on you!

Leigheanna: Don't worry. I'm leaving now. I'm no longer your servant, and my cousins probably aren't even your daughters! I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they found out...

Kaitlin throws her left shoe at her, hitting her head violently, which prompts Leigheanna to run away with what's left of her stuff. As the latter leaves the house, she retrieves what Kaitlin threw out of the window; then, she walks away towards an unprecised destination.


Phone call between Leigheanna and Bridgette

Leigheanna: That's it. I'll call Mom to let her know how mean Kaitlin is. I've told you, Mom, that taking me to Aunt Kaitlin's to spend the summer was a bad idea.

Bridgette: Leighy, what are you even talking about?

Leigheanna: About the fact that she's a manipulative bitch and an abuser, maybe? Let's say she smashed my face on the door and threw a shoe at my head, and now I'm trying hard to stop the nosebleeding.

Bridgette: Why don't you call 911?

Leigheanna: They wouldn't believe me.

Bridgette: Well, they're supposed to.

Leigheanna: Mom, by the way, I left Kaitlin's house. She pretended to arrange a meeting with a girl, claiming that "I needed a friend".

Bridgette: And?

Leigheanna: She probably threatened the girl in order to have her stalk me!

Bridgette: So?

Leigheanna: Let's say we all had a spat, and then Kaitlin became furious. These days have been hell for me, I know you told me to stay strong. I did what I could, but it wasn't enough. I'm glad to have left that house, and I hope not to go back there anymore.

Bridgette: I knew I should have put my foot down when I had the chance to! Kaitlin will pay for that! Has she hit any of her daughters?

Leigheanna: Hold on, Mom. I saw a picture hung on a wall in her room.

Bridgette: Leigheanna...

Leigheanna: I had a good reason to go there. Anyway, I was looking for her phone charger, when I found that picture hung there. There was her, holding one little girl's hand, and then there was a man next to her. The picture was quite old.

Bridgette: It might be a picture of her and her eldest daughter only...

Leigheanna: Mom... pay attention! I haven't found any pictures of the whole family all together. Isn't that strange?

Bridgette: Oh, yes, I remember she removed all the photos from the walls. Though, that one stayed, and I don't know why. Anyway, I can't pick you up now, it's late.

Leigheanna: Oh, don't worry, Mom. I have a better plan.

Bridgette: What?

Leigheanna: "The phone isn't the best place to plot." (citing Kaitlin)

Bridgette: I'm confused... Oh, never mind. Good night. Hear you soon.

Leigheanna: 'Night. Oh, Kaitlin will pay for that. She'll definitely pay for what she did.

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