Baby Steps.

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I finally assumed my feelings and I am no longer ignoring what's going on. I can't control what's happening, but I can control the way I respond to it.

Meaning... I need to get my shit together.

Where is the girl who dreamed about travelling and writing? That had late nights out with friends, built forts and laughed extremely loud? The one who felt joy just by drinking a cup of coffee, reading a good book, and loved watching the stars?

She is right here, somewhere deep in my heart. I just have to wake her up and let her free.

I want to know what it's like to live again.

I want to go to the movies, the beach. I want to take my dog to the park. I want to paint my nails, take pictures of the sea and start writing again.

I want to take care of myself, start eating healthier and exercise.

I want to dance the night away alone in my room just for the sake of it.

I want to lie on the grass and watch the way the stars twinkle beautifully in the dark sky.

I want to be happy again.

And I know it's not going to be easy and there are going to be days I'll want to give up. But in baby steps, step by step I will get there.

I will be happy again.

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