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When I got caught by my sister's boyfriend I thought the urge to purge would stop. It didn't. It only intensified the guilt and shame.

But now that he told my dad the urge stopped, sort of, just like the rest of my world.

My father doesn't speak to me, he can't even look at me. I disappointed him once again.

I don't blame my sister's boyfriend for this, he wouldn't have anything to tell in the first place if I hadn't screwed up. This is all my fault.

But now that I can't even pee with the door closed I don't know how I am going to cope with the storm going inside me. By the minute is getting bigger and bigger.

I thought being disappointed was the worst feeling in the world, but no. The worst feeling in the world is being a disappointment.

And now that I don't have my dad by my side, now that I can see that the only thing I cause him is pain, I just don't see the point anymore.

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