Logical Part Of You.

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-I see him, that guy from my class. He is just standing, with his hands in his pockets, near my house. He looks so creepy. Is he waiting from me? How does he know where I live? What does he want?

-Calm down, he's probably just waiting for a friend, we do live in the same town it's normal to see him around.

-If he was waiting for someone he would be playing with his phone.

-He probably didn't charge his phone.

-But in the third day of school he put his arm around me, when I didn't even know his name. He probably wants something. Something I can't give and because of it he's gonna hurt me. Maybe all he wants is hurt me. What if he hurts me?

-Wtf really?! Wooow He put his arm around you, big deal. He's touchy with everyone. And it's not because he hurt you that everyone is going to. Relax. It's probably just a coincidence.

-What if he's friends with him? They both hang with the same type of crowds, what if that's why he's watching me?

-He's not watching you, stop being paranoid.

-But he's always looking at me, and his eyes are so... intimidating.

-Maybe he looks at you because you're always looking at him to see if he's looking at you.

-He scares me.

-Everyone scares you.

-Shut up. You don't understand the things I've been through.

-I do understand, I'm the logical part of you. The part that doesn't let shit like this get in the way of life.

-Where were you when I decided to let him into my life.


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