Panic Attack.

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Everything is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.



Don't cry.

Stop crying.

It's fine, you're fine, I am fine.

Don't cry, please.


It's just a panic attack.
I can handle this, I have to.

Just breathe.

I can't. I can't. I can't.

I need this to stop, I can't handle anymore.

I am weak. I am weak and I am tired.
Tired of not being able to interact with anyone without panicking. Tired of not being able to listen to sad, loud or even too happy music because I am scared of waking up feelings I can't control. I am tired of crying my eyes out, fighting to catch my breath.
I can't breathe, okay!? I'M SORRY.

I am going to pass out.

The med is not working, I should be a bit calmer by now.

I can barelly see the keyboard.

All my family is in the living-room and here I am.

I am so embarrassed, I hope no one comes in. I don't want to worry them.


My Mother came in, at the time I didn't see it, but now I am glad she did.

My Mother came in, and so did my sister. A lot of the time I feel like she doesn't understand my anxiety, but then again most people don't.

What I wrote was some of the thoughts that passed through my mind, and I am going to say, I am ashamed of the way I think during a panic attack.

I guess it's a good thing my profile is anonymous.

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