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How could I. How.

How could I let myself get this way?!

I am fat. I am way more fat than I was a year ago. And I am trying so hard to lose weight and all I lost was 5kg in one month. One freaking month I spent exercising, running, eating healthy, taking pills and drinking teas just to lose 5kg. That's half of what I wanted to lose.

In a few months summer will begin and my clothes don't fit and I have no money to buy new ones.

And even if I had I think I would too ashamed to wear them.

I purged again. And again, and again. I am trying so hard not to but every time I stand on the scale and see how I am not improving I just can't help but to eat everything in sight out of frustration and it just happens. But then the guilt comes and almost choke in my own tears.

I am struggling, and don't know what to do.

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