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I've learned in the past year that you can be alone without being lonely. But with time being alone all day, everyday easely but slowly turns to loneliness.

And with social anxiety, loneliness is inevitable.

But I know it is my fault.

I used to surround myself with bad people because I was so  afraid to be alone. But surely those people hurt me and abused me, leaving marks in my heart I can never erase. Because of that now I am scared of any type human interaction with people I don't trust.

You see what happened there? If hadn't been stupid and had said no to bad crowds I wouldn't be in this situation. But I am a seventeen years old teenager, blame me for making mistakes.

I don't even go to school anymore, starting homeschool next year.

So, you tell me. Without school, job or hobby and fear of people how am I supposed to make to make friends?

And even if I went to school and wasn't so afraid of people, Who would want to be friend with me?! I'm damaged.

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