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Dream. that is such a big word.

When I was sixteen years old I believed dreams were supposed to come true. I still do.
I dreamed about doing what I love for living, falling in love and having kids. I dreamed about living the years I have on earth to the fullest and enjoying them with the people I care about. I dreamed about seeing the people I love the most living happily ever after. 

Now, as a seventeen years old teenager I still have all those dreams. They're just locked in a little box. A box that I can only open when I'm ready to fight for them.

But something suddenly shifted today, inside me.
I was watching an anime series called "Your lie in April" and there was a scene where the main character said :
"The air is chilly and drys the fallen leaves. The pondered sheets dance to the rhythm of the wind. You really are cruel to come here like this and speak of dreams. My dream came true and that was enough for me, or so I thought. But here you are watering my withered heart with your smile. Maybe I'm just greedy, but I wanna dream again."

I don't have the strength to fight for my dreams, at least not now.
But maybe, just maybe, if I keep on hoping, one day I will. When that day arrives I will open that box and set all my dreams free.

And right there I knew. The thing that shifted inside me, what is growing in my heart slowly but strongly, is hope.
I finally have hope. And believe me when I say this. I will sherish it like a my own child, like a daughter.
And when my dream of being a mother comes true, I will call her Esperança.

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