It Does Matter.

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"I mean... You aren't the prettiest thing on the planet." She said. I know, believe me. I know.

It's just hard to hear it from someone else, specially someone who I'm supposedly dating. I always thought that when you liked somebody you would think they were beautiful, even if they weren't.

Maybe I've watched too many movies or read too many books where the hot guy falls in love with the average girl and somehow where everyone saw weirdness he saw beauty. Does this only happen in fiction? No, this has happened to me, I have experienced this feeling. But I've only dated guys until now, does this not happen between girls?

I wanted her to think that, even though now I know she doesn't. I guess deep down I kind of wanted her to lie, to say that I'm beautiful inside and OUT. I like her too much to ever think she was lying, but I know her positive opinion wouldn't change my negative one, although her negative opinion reenforces my own.

"You're... Interesting" she said. I know this is a compliment but for once, just once I'd like to be the pretty one.

I know that appearance is not all that matters, but it does matter. Not all but something. And I put way too much effort and take too much care of myself but at the end of the day all I am is interesting. Most of the times not even that.

I always find the people who I love beautiful, maybe that's why.
She doesn't think I'm beautiful.

I don't think I'm beautiful.

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