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I need a map
I start thinking
Yes, a map that I could run and be hidden

Time skip ( because I am lazy)

"A gas station" mumble to myself
I start running but think I have to be careful about this

So I silently sneak into the back door 

The gas station was old in the middle of nowhere and looked like it needed new paint and cleaned up. I am slightly scared but I shake it off as I sneak inside. Someone is inside behind the counter looking bored

"Shi- !"I start but stop because cursing will do nothing

I can just walk in but I look pretty suspicious because a kid that has torn,dirty,and oversized clothes and I am a government project so they may know but I am hungry and need a map

So I ramed the inside door and grabbed the first map, food and drink and booked it out into the woods

And ran into a girl who looked just as scared and lost

Unaware of what to happen next

The girl with gillsWhere stories live. Discover now